Get restaurants featured in the New Yorker's Tables for Two section in your email. Save them in your Google Maps Saved Places using the maps link in the email.
Install and configure serverless
Install the project: npm install
Run tests: npm test
Make sure linter's good: npm run lint
Get a google maps api key and create an SNS topic to send restaurants to.
Create an env.yml
file to store secrets
APP_NAME: tablesfortwo-notifier
GOOGLE_API_KEY: <google_api_key>
AWS_SNS_ARN: <sns_arn>
AWS_SNS_ALARMS_ARN: <alarm_sns_arn>
Configure serverless options in serverless.yml.
Deploy using serverless: serverless deploy
To prune old versions of the function: serverless prune -n 1
Remember to delete old zip files in S3