This script lets you backup your activities stored in Garmin Connect. It supports backups in de the following formats:
- FIT (default)
It supports two download options:
- Delta, exporting only new activities (default)
- Full, exporting all activities available.
The scripts does the following:
- Downloads activity files from garmin in FIT, TCX, GPX or KML format.
- Supports delta download
The following commandline options are available:
- ActivityFileType (Optional) - Choose the activitiy file type to export in. FIT is the default value.
- FIT (default)
- DownloadOption (Optional) - Choose to download only new activities or all activities. At the first time all activities are downloaded. Depends on a cookie file placed in the destination folder.
- New (Default)
- All
- Destination (Mandatory) - The location on your device where the files need to be exported to.
- Username (Mandatory) - Your Garmin Connect username.
- Password (Mandatory) - Your Garmin Connect account password.
- Overwrite (Optional) - Overwrite existing files in the destination location.
- Yes
- No (Default)
You can change the default options the following XML file:
- GCUserSettings: Containing specific settings for your situation;
Download only new activities in the FIT format:
& C:\Scripts\GCActivityExport.ps1 -Destination "c:\GarminActivities" -UserName "<Your Garmin Connect Username>" -Password "<Your Garmin Connect Password>"
Download all activities in TCX format overwriting all files in the destination:
& C:\Scripts\GCActivityExport.ps1 -Destination "c:\GarminActivities" -UserName "<Your Garmin Connect Username>" -Password "<Your Garmin Connect Password>" -ActivityFileType TCX -DownloadOption All -Overwrite Yes
1.0 - Initial version
1.1 - Fix: Garmin now expects parameters in the SSO url
Update: Added settings support in separate XML files
1.2 - Update support for new Garmin activity feed
1.3 - Update to support the new Garmin Signin URL
1.3.1 - Fix due error 402 Payment required error when retrieving activity list
1.3.2 - Remove default destination folder, because it causes to ignore the GCUserSettings.xml destination
Remove empty strings for Username and Password
Format layout
1.4 - Update authentication process to use an OAuth token (thanks to @ShiveringPenguin)
Add support for KML files
Updated user-agent
Remove Garmin Connect Actvity Export -Program Settings.xml dependency
Layout and output improvements
Report when rate limited (or any other error from Garmin)
Credits to Kyle Krafka ( for delivering a great example for this script.