This API was created to return all brands and models of vehicles in the world.
Clone this repository.
git clone
Change directory.
cd fetchicles-api
You need have install nodejs and yarn as package manager.
Run yarn to install dependencies.
If you wanna run this API on development environment.
yarn dev
Case you wanna use this project just with API in your production environment, build this project and run.
yarn build && yarn start
This API have related routes with vehicles. By default, the routes have a prefix before calling methods of the yours vehicles.
I'll show some examples with vehicle CAR.
Case the user want return all car brands, he need calling the following route:
If the user want return a specific car model of some brand, he need calling the following route (Brand name always be in lowercase):
This will be standard for all vehicles.
Vehicles types available:
Read our contribution guide.
@mxtheussouza |
This repository use MIT License.