Analyzing a dataset of bank transactions and capturing as many fraudulent transactions as possible while minimizing false positives.
With over 6,000,000 transactions totaling up to 1,144 billion and consist of 11 columns:
- Step: Represents a unit of time in hours. This is essentially the timestamp of each transaction (e.g., hour 1, hour 2, ..., hour 534, etc.).
- Type: Specifies the type of transaction.
- Amount: The amount of money transferred in the transaction.
- NameOrig: The identifier for the origin account from which the transaction was initiated.
- OldBalanceOrg: The balance of the origin account before the transaction took place.
- NewBalanceOrg: The balance of the origin account after the transaction has been processed.
- NameDest: The identifier for the destination account to which the transaction was directed.
- OldbalanceDest: The balance of the destination account before receiving the transaction.
- NewbalanceDest: The balance of the destination account after receiving the transaction.
- IsFlaggedFraud: A simplistic model flag that indicates a transaction as fraudulent if the amount transferred is greater than 200,000 (note: the currency is unspecified).
- IsFraud: Indicates whether a transaction was actually fraudulent, defined as a malicious attempt to transfer funds out of a victim’s account without their consent.
The types of transactions
The total amount
total_transaction_amount = df['amount'].sum() total = total_transaction_amount / 1e9
The total amount of transactions made is: 1144.39 billion.
# fraudulent transactions fraudulent_transactions = df[df['isFraud'] == 1] # the distribution of fraudulent transactions by transaction type fraudulent_transaction_distribution = fraudulent_transactions['type'].value_counts()
Distribution of Fraudulent Transactions by Transaction Type: type CASH_OUT 4116 TRANSFER 4097
Fraudulent Transactions
- Created a random sample of 10% of the dataset due to the large size of the dataset.
- Dropped columns: 'nameDest', 'nameOrig','isFlaggedFraud'
- 'isFlaggedFraud' only flags a transaction as fraudulent if it is greater than 200,000.
- 'nameDest' and 'nameOrig' may have a large number of unique categorical values which can be computationally expensive.
- converted 'step' to 'HourOfDay' assuming 'step' starts from hour 1
Hourly Transactions
Box Plot of Hourly Transactions
Ran a Gradient Boosting Classifier to received an accuracy of 0.9995725044949895
Ran a RandomizedSearchCV as the dataset was too large for a GridSearchCV
Using it to find the best parameters: 'n_estimators','learning_rate, and 'max_depth'
param_dist = { 'n_estimators': randint(50, 300), # number of trees between 50 and 500 'learning_rate': uniform(0.01, 0.1), # prevents overfitting 'max_depth': randint(3, 10) # max depth of each tree between 3 and 10 } random_search = RandomizedSearchCV( estimator=gb_class, param_distributions=param_dist, n_iter=10, cv=5, random_state=42, scoring='accuracy', n_jobs=-1 )
Received a best score of 0.9995389733717996 & the best parameters:
best_params = { 'n_estimators': 199, 'learning_rate': 0.02428668179219408, 'max_depth': 5 }
Optimized f1_score