Scripts and data for differential expression analyses from publication "Adaptation of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis transcriptome to biofilm growth"
Differential expression results for all comparisons and populations
Raw expression counts from sequence analysis pipeline
All metadata associated with samples from this study, including the annotation file used for expression counts.
Anc BvP - comparison of biofilm to planktonic gene expression in ancestral populations
B EvA - comparison of evolved to ancestral gene expression in biofilm populations
Data QC – batch effects, biological replicate concordance, etc
Duplication - analysis of differential expression within large duplication
Evo BvP - comparison of biofilm to planktonic gene expression in evolved populations
P EvA - comparison of evolved to ancestral gene expression in planktonic populations
Sautons & Stationary – analysis of effects of media and growth phase on the transcriptome
ncRNA sORF - analysis of differential expression of ncRNAs and sORFs