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rendezvous ReadMe

The Pico project is liberating humanity from passwords. See

rendezvous is an implementation of the Pico Rendezvous Point. It acts as an untrusted intermediary, allowing a Pico client to communicate with a Pico server in such a way that both make outgoing HTTP/S connections to the Rendezvous Point. This way, firewalls and NATs don't cause Pico trouble.

Installation on Nginx

Note that many of these commands will need sudo.

Clone the rendezvous files into a folder nginx can access. Something like:

git clone [email protected]/i/cl-pico/pico/rendezvous.git /var/www/rendezvous

Ensure python and pip are installed.

apt-get install python python-pip virtualenv
apt-get install build-essential python-dev

Move into your rendezvous folder and setup the virtual environment for python.

cd /var/www/rendezvous
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the server on port 8082 (it can be any port, but this matches rendezvous.conf)

python -p 8082

To leave the virtual environment


Add the server certificates for TLS

cp mypico.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
cp mypico.pem /etc/ssl/private/

Setup Nginx to point to the server by installing the nginx.conf as rendezvous.conf in sites-available, making a symlink to it in sites-enabled and then editing it as required.

cp /var/www/rendezvous/rendezvous.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/rendezvous.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/rendezvous.conf

Reload the nginx config

service nginx reload


rendezvous is released under the AGPL licence. Read COPYING for information.


We welcome comments and contributions to the project. If you're interested in contributing please see here:

Contact and Links

More information can be found at:

The Pico project team at time of release:

  • Frank Stajano (PI)
  • David Llewellyn-Jones
  • Claudio Dettoni
  • Seb Aebischer
  • Kat Krol

You can get in contact with us at [email protected]

We thank the European Research Council (ERC) for funding the Pico research through grant StG 307224 (Pico).