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valderman committed Mar 14, 2017
1 parent 452807f commit 6bc399d
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Showing 8 changed files with 414 additions and 331 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions CCWF.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
-- | Chalmers course
module CCWF
( -- * Configuring and updating pages
Website (..), Info (..), Materials (..)
, URL, Teacher (..), Lecture (..)

-- * Building the website
, mkWebsite
) where
import CCWF.Config
import CCWF.Impl
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions CCWF/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
-- | Per-website configuration for CCWF.
module CCWF.Config where

type URL = String

-- | A course website consists of relatively static course information, and
-- relatively static course materials.
data Website = Website
{ courseInfo :: Info
, courseMaterials :: Materials

-- | Lectures, files and news items: course materials that will likely be
-- updated frequently.
data Materials = Materials
{ -- | Latest news for the course, in order from newest to latest.
-- Can contain markdown.
newsItems :: [String]
-- | All lectures for the course. These make up the table on the @lectures@
-- page.
, lectures :: [Lecture]
-- | Files that are related to the course, but not tied to any particular
-- lecture.
, miscFiles :: [FilePath]

-- | Course information: this should change only about once per year.
data Info = Info
{ -- | The main teacher of the course.
teacher :: Teacher
-- | The examiner of the course, if different from the main teacher.
, examiner :: Maybe Teacher
-- | Any assistants working on the course.
-- The name, email, etc. of the first assistant in the list are accessible
-- as @assistant@, @assistantemail@, etc.
, assistants :: [Teacher]
-- | URL of the course syllabus. This is mandatory for all Chalmers courses.
, syllabusURL :: URL
-- | URL of the course's Google group, if any.
, googleGroupURL :: Maybe URL
-- | URL of the course's lab submission system, if any.
, submissionURL :: Maybe URL
-- | URL of external schedule for course, if any.
, scheduleURL :: Maybe URL
-- | All lab deadlines.
, labDeadlines :: [String]

-- | Bio for the teacher responsible for the course.
-- Name, phone and email are mandatory.
data Teacher = Teacher
{ -- | Full name of teacher.
teacherName :: String
-- | Work email.
, teacherEmail :: String
-- | Work phone.
, teacherPhone :: String
-- | Does the teacher have a biography?
, teacherBioURL :: Maybe URL
-- | Room number of/directions to teacher's office.
, teacherOffice :: Maybe String
-- | Office hours, when the teacher is available for answering questions.
, teacherHours :: Maybe String

-- | An entry in the list of course lectures.
data Lecture = Lecture
{ -- | When did the lecture take place?
lectureDate :: String
-- | What was it about? Preferably one (short) sentence.
, lectureDescription :: String
-- | Any auxilliary material associated with the course.
-- These files need to be present in the @files@ directory.
, lectureFiles :: [(String, FilePath)]
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions CCWF/Impl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, TupleSections #-}
module CCWF.Impl where
import Hakyll
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Time
import Data.Function (on)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath (takeBaseName)
import Text.Read
import CCWF.Config

-- | Build a website from a configuration.
mkWebsite :: Website -> IO ()
mkWebsite (Website (Info{..}) (Materials{..})) = do
-- Check that all lecture files are present
(courseYear, _, _) <- toGregorian . utctDay <$> getCurrentTime
let files = [ "./files/" ++ file
| fs <- map lectureFiles lectures
, (_, file) <- fs
] ++ map ("./files/" ++) miscFiles
files' <- filterM (fmap not . doesFileExist) files
unless (null files') $ do
putStrLn $ "The following essential files could not be found:"
forM_ files' $ putStrLn . (" " ++)
error "Some files were missing from the ./files directory!"

hakyll $ do
-- CSS files are just compressed
match "css/*" $ do
route idRoute
compile compressCssCompiler

-- JS files are just copied
match "js/*" $ do
route idRoute
compile copyFileCompiler

-- Images too
match "images/*" $ do
route idRoute
compile copyFileCompiler

-- Lectures files are copied into files/
match "files/*" $ do
route idRoute
compile copyFileCompiler

-- Don't do anything fancy with templates
match "templates/*" $ do
compile templateCompiler

-- Add an explicit dependency on this file
match "website.hs" $ do
compile $ makeItem ()
hsdep <- makePatternDependency "website.hs"

-- Pages are read from the @pages@ subdirectory.
rulesExtraDependencies [hsdep] $ match "pages/*.md" $ do
route $ gsubRoute "pages/" (const "")
`composeRoutes` gsubRoute ".md" (const "")
`composeRoutes` customRoute (mkPath . toFilePath)
compile $ do
metas <- getAllMetadata "pages/*.md"
self <- takeBaseName <$> getResourceFilePath
let -- Menu items, sorted by their menuorder metadata entry.
-- Items without menuorder are sorted randomly among themselves,
-- after any entries with a specified order.
menuitems = map snd $ sortBy (\a b -> compare (fst a) (fst b)) $
[ (menuOrder meta, Item (noIndex ident) title)
| (ident, meta) <- metas
, Just title <- [lookupString "title" meta]
-- Context for the page content; contains metadata set in the
-- markdown file for each page, as well as some info set at the
-- top of this file.
ctx = mconcat
[ constField "year" (show courseYear)
, constField "syllabus" syllabusURL
, constField "group" (maybe "" id googleGroupURL)
, constField "submissions" (maybe "" id submissionURL)
, constField "schedule" (maybe "" id scheduleURL)
, constField "S" "$"
, mconcat
[ constField ("deadline" ++ show num) date
| (date, num) <- zip labDeadlines [1..]
, teacherFields "teacher" teacher
, maybe mempty (teacherFields "examiner") examiner
, case assistants of
(ass:_) -> teacherFields "assistant" ass
_ -> mempty
, listField "assistants" mkTeacherListItemCtx (pure assistantItems)
, listField "menuitems" (mkMenuCtx self)
(pure menuitems)
, listField "lectures" mkLectureCtx
(zipWithM (curry makeItem) [1..] lectures)
, if length newsItems > 3
then listField "news" defaultContext (pure newsItemItems)
else mempty
, listField "latestnews" defaultContext (pure $ take 3 newsItemItems)
, defaultContext
applyMeAsTemplate ctx ctx
newsItemItems = map (Item (fromFilePath "")) newsItems
assistantItems = map (Item (fromFilePath "")) assistants

-- | Create a list item context for a teacher.
-- Used for the list of assistants.
mkTeacherListItemCtx :: Context Teacher
mkTeacherListItemCtx = mconcat
[ field "full" $ \(Item _ t) -> pure $ teacherName t
, field "email" $ \(Item _ t) -> pure $ teacherEmail t
, field "bio" $ \(Item _ t) -> pure $ maybe "" id $ teacherBioURL t
, field "phone" $ \(Item _ t) -> pure $ teacherPhone t
, field "office" $ \(Item _ t) -> pure $ maybe "" id $ teacherOffice t
, field "hours" $ \(Item _ t) -> pure $ maybe "" id $ teacherHours t

-- | Create context fields for a teacher.
teacherFields :: String -> Teacher -> Context a
teacherFields prefix (Teacher {..}) = mconcat
[ constField prefix (head $ words teacherName)
, constField (prefix ++ "full") teacherName
, constField (prefix ++ "email") teacherEmail
, constField (prefix ++ "bio") (maybe "" id teacherBioURL)
, constField (prefix ++ "phone") teacherPhone
, maybe mempty (constField (prefix ++ "office")) teacherOffice
, maybe mempty (constField (prefix ++ "hours")) teacherHours

-- | Get the menu order from a piece of metadata.
menuOrder :: Metadata -> Int
menuOrder meta =
maybe 1000000
(round :: Double -> Int)
(readMaybe =<< lookupString "menuorder" meta)

-- | Set the CSS class of a menu item based on its identifier and the
-- identifier of the current page. If the identifier matches the current
-- page, the item should be displayed as selected.
menuItemClass :: String -> Item a -> String
menuItemClass current itm
| current == takeBaseName (toFilePath (itemIdentifier itm)) =
| current == "index" && null (toFilePath (itemIdentifier itm)) =
| otherwise =

mkLectureCtx :: Context (Int, Lecture)
mkLectureCtx = mconcat
[ field "date" $ \(Item _ (_, l)) -> do
pure $ lectureDate l
, field "description" $ \(Item _ (_, l)) -> do
pure $ show $ lectureDescription l
, listFieldWith "lecturefiles" defaultContext $ \(Item _ (_, l)) -> do
pure $ [ Item (fromFilePath file) name
| (name, file) <- lectureFiles l]
, field "number" $ \(Item _ (n, _)) ->
pure $ show n

-- | Build the context for the menu. The @submenuitems@ field will contain all
-- sub-menu items for the currently active page.
-- Note that URLs are relativized in a horrible, hacky way, which needs to
-- be changed if the directory hierarchy of the course homepage changes.
mkMenuCtx :: String
-> Context String
mkMenuCtx self = mconcat
[ field "selected" (pure . menuItemClass self)
, listFieldWith "submenuitems" defaultContext $ \itm -> do
when (takeBaseName (toFilePath (itemIdentifier itm)) /= self) $ do
fail "not my submenu"
submenuitems <- words <$> getMetadataField' (itemIdentifier itm) "submenu"
forM (zip (mkTitles submenuitems) submenuitems) $ \(title, ident) -> do
pure $ Item (fromFilePath $ "#" ++ ident) title
, field "url" $ pure . itemToUrl
, defaultContext
itemToUrl = ("/" ++) . takeBaseName . toFilePath . itemIdentifier
mkTitles = map capitalize . map toSpaces

capitalize (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs

toSpaces = map toSpace

toSpace '_' = ' '
toSpace c = c

-- | Render the current page as markdown, then use the current page as a
-- template (i.e. it may include substitutions), and render it as markdown
-- again. Finally, apply the default template to the end result and
-- relativize all URLs.
applyMeAsTemplate :: Context String -> Context String -> Compiler (Item String)
applyMeAsTemplate pageCtx topCtx = do
>>= renderPandoc
>>= applyAsTemplate pageCtx
>>= renderPandoc
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html" topCtx
>>= relativizeUrls

-- | Turn a path @p@ (stripped of prefix and extension) into @p/index.html@.
mkPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
mkPath "index" = "index.html"
mkPath p = p ++ "/index.html"

-- | Turn an identifier into an empty identifier if the identifier is @index@,
-- otherwise return the identifier unchanged.
noIndex :: Identifier -> Identifier
noIndex ident
| takeBaseName (toFilePath ident) == "index" = fromFilePath ""
| otherwise = ident
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pages/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,4 +100,4 @@ instructions. Two things should be noted:
The second step is to actually submit your solution, by clicking the
*Submit* button. **It is not enough to only upload; you must also submit!**

[Go to the submission system](\$fire\$)
[Go to the submission system](\$submissions\$)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion pages/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Lectures

Lectures take place on Tuesdays 13-15 in EL41 and Fridays 13-15 in EL42.
Not all available times are used. The complete schedule is available in
[TimeEdit](\$timeedit\$). Note that if you use an iCal or vCal-compatible
[TimeEdit](\$schedule\$). Note that if you use an iCal or vCal-compatible
calendar, you can download the course schedule from TimeEdit.

The following is a preliminary plan for the lectures. Changes will be announced
Expand Down
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions pages/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ submenu: deadlines grading javalette frontend extensions testing code_generation
* [x86 generation](#x86)
* [Optimization study](#optstudy)
* [Other extensions](#moreextensions)
* [Testing](#testing)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1351,7 +1350,7 @@ declare i32 @printf(i8*, ...) nounwind
What remains is a definition of the format string `@fstr` as a global constant
(`\0A` is `\n`), the `getelementpointer` instruction that returns a pointer to
(`\\0A` is `\\n`), the `getelementpointer` instruction that returns a pointer to
the beginning of the format string and a call to `printf` with the result value.
Note that the call to `printInt` has been inlined, i.e. replaced by a call to
`printf`; so linking includes optimizations across files.
Expand All @@ -1360,17 +1359,17 @@ We can now run `a.out.bc` using the just-in-time compiler `lli`.
Or, if we prefer, we can produce native assembly code
with `llc`. On my x86 machine, this gives
.align 4,0x90
.globl _main
subl $$12, %esp
movl $$5040, 4(%esp)
movl $$_fstr, (%esp)
subl $S$12, %esp
movl $S$5040, 4(%esp)
movl $S$_fstr, (%esp)
call _printf
xorl %eax, %eax
addl $$12, %esp
addl $S$12, %esp
_fstr: ## fstr
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions pages/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ title: Schedule
menuorder: 5

<script>window.location.href = "$timeedit$";</script>
<script>window.location.href = "$schedule$";</script>


The official schedule for the course is available on [TimeEdit](\$timeedit\$).
The official schedule for the course is available on [TimeEdit](\$schedule\$).

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