Live portfolio dashboard for my equities, mutual funds and ETFs. Spare time project that polls various sites or connects via WebSockets to show a merged view of my assets from different platforms.
Uses Finansavisen, EuroNext, and YahooFinance as collectors. Finansavisen collector connects via WebSockets and consumes ticker information with 15min delay and realtime OSEBX index data. EuroNext has two collectors, one for forex and one for mutual funds. Mutual funds are only settled one per day, so it has a 1 hour polling interval
Dashboard requires NodeJS and npm/yarn.
Install using poetry
poetry shell
poetry update
Install using pip
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd stonks/dashboard
npm i
npm run build
Rename example config file:
mv example-config.json config.json
Add any additional entries in the config file, and then start the backend:
python -c config.json
To run with a persitent history database (will write a daily close at 18:00
local time every day), use the --db
python -c config.json --db "history.db"
is cost per share in the asset currency including broker fees (GAV), cost
is cost in NOK
including broker fees and fx fee.
"positions": [
"name": "Cash [NOK]",
"ticker": "CASH_NOK",
"volume": 10000,
"price": 1,
"cost": 10000,
"currency": "NOK",
"asset": "CASH"
"name": "MOWI",
"ticker": "MOWI_OSE",
"volume": 10,
"price": 200,
"cost": 2000,
"currency": "NOK",
"asset": "EQUITY"
"name": "DNB Teknologi A",
"ticker": "DI_NOTEC_OSE",
"volume": 10,
"price": 2700,
"cost": 27000,
"currency": "NOK",
"asset": "FUND"
"name": "Lyxor Core MSCI World",
"ticker": "LCUW.DE",
"volume": 500,
"price": 10,
"cost": 50000,
"currency": "EUR",
"asset": "INDEX_ETF"
Only NOK
and SEK
as available currencies.
To develop the UI, use npm start
Make sure backend is running (python3 -c config.json
To enable the simulation engine (creates random ticker events against the entries in your portfolio),
start the python application with the -s
flag. Enable debugging with -d