The purpose of this project was to build a Fullstack Chat App built with React, postgreSQL, node js and socket Io. And to get a better understand of how Fullstack applications work.
- Standard authentication functionality (signup and signin) ✔️.
- Protected Routes only accessible by authenticated users ✔️..
- State managed through Redux ✔️.
- Written in modern React with functional components and hooks ✔️.
- Persisted with a postgreSQL backend ✔️.
- Send Messages to users ✔️.
- Messages persisted in the database ✔️.
- Implement Typescript in the backend then in the frontend.
- Ability for user to leave and Join group chats.
- Write some tests for the React components as tests are good 🧪.
- Based on the above learn to write test for React components 🙂.
- And tests for the backend.
- Add a loading Icon/Spinner