Agent Based Model Simulation
Ways to run simulation:
Via IDE - Create virtual environment, install necessary modules
- pip install (IPython Mesa matplotlib numpy scipy flask requests) - Run src/ for the whole program - If you only want to collect data after running the model, run src/ instead - Run src/ for interactive session using localhost (browser window will automatically launch upon running)
Via Bash (Preferred) - ./src/ - Part 1: automatically checks to see if there is a working virtual environment, and install necessary files if not - Part 2: saves data as a tar.gz compressed file in data/zipped directory - Optional: you can specify 4, 7, or 13 parameters (listed in order with variable name following the description)
- Time Periods (time_periods)
- Ideas Per Time Period (ideas_per_time)
- Number of Scientists Per Time Period (N)
- Time Periods Alive (time_periods_alive) 4/5. True Mean (true_means_lam) [not included in 7 parameter version!]
5/6. Proportion of SDS to Means (prop_sds) 6/7. Proportion of Start Effort to Means of Idea (prop_means) 7/8. Proportion of Learning K to Start Effort (prop_start)
- What Optimization to Use (switch)
- 0 = percentiles
- 1 = z-scores
- 2 = bayesian stats
- 3 = greedy heuristic
- Void for now, reserved for AI/deep learning optimization later on
- Whether to Report All Scientists (all_scientists)
- Whether to Split Returns Evently Or By Age (use_equal)
- Whether to Shift All CDFs / Idea Curves to the Right (use_idea_shift)
- Whether We Want Interactive Steps (show_step)
- NOTE: using this makes the program run much longer!
Additional Notes - This repository runs on Python 3 and Linux shell - is for running simulations on supercomputer like Stanford Sherlock cluster. Please contact for more info
This repository contains three directories:
- src: all the program files
- data: where output from the simulation is stored
- zipped archives: where past versions and old files are stored
Goal of Simulation:
- To model how scientists choose to invest and research in ideas in real life
- To analyze factors that affect NIH research funding and how stressing those variables will affect output of scientists and their work
- To illustrate the power of connecting various discrete fields such as computer science, biomedicine, economics, and health policy
Any questions? Email [email protected]
Special credits to Zach Templeton and Michelle Zhao as major contributors to the early stages of this project