This simple script written in Python will generate network configuration scripts integrating Open vSwitch for RHEL-based Linux distributions like CentOS. Note that the Open vSwitch integration is optional but is quite useful.
The script comes with a wizard that creates the content for a network script that should be placed in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts directory.
The README.RHEL included with Open vSwitch explains how to use the optional Open vSwitch integration with RHEL network configuration scripts identifying all the attributes and values you can add to the scripts. This simple script tries to help you to generate the content of those files answering some questions.
Install git on your system: yum install git
Download ovs-scriptgen-rhel: git clone
Execute: python
Open vSwitch 2.3.x Long-Term Support. Previous and later versions could also work but please beware, changes to RHEL integration have been modified from time to time.
You should need Python 2.x. The script has been tested with CentOS 7 and Python 2.7.5.
A big thank you to the Open vSwitch team!
GNU General Public License version 3