At the start of 2020 a new version of XLX was released that allows for native C4FM connections. This means it's even simpler to run a multi-mode reflector. XLX now natively supports DMR, D-Star, and C4FM. C4FM and DMR do not require any transcoding hardware (AMBE) to work together. If you plan on using D-Star with any of the other modes, you will need hardware AMBE chips.
If your goal is to build a system that supports D-Star, YSF, and DMR, then please see:
NOTE FOR BELOW: If you plan on using the scripts below anyway it will still work. Please take note that by using the latest version of XLX and YSFReflector, you will need to alter the default network ports as both applications use UDP 42000.
The script is very much currently a proof of concept and gets you about 90% of the way to have everything fully installed and configured. The concept is, This will build you a 3 mode ham radio digital voice reflector server that will transcode Yaesu Fusion, DMR, and D-Star with the help of AMBED and AMBE vocoder chips. I did not build each application. This script simply goes through the install steps for each application for you and configures apache for the dashboards. Features and abilities coming... If you are looking to only build an XLX reflector, possibly with transcoding, then look at my other project:, this multi-reflector might be overkill for your needs.
(D-Star/DMR Reflector that also communicates with AMBED)YSFReflector
(HomeBrew Fusion Reflector)YSF2DMR
(The bridge software between YSF and XLX)YSF and XLX Dashboards
(Web pages that shows real-time activity)- Apache2 and configure the virtualhosts for both dashboards
But not
(along with the required AMBE chips)- AMBED can be installed locally or on a remote server, but is required for the transcoding part.
- Ready to go and updated fresh install of Debian 9.x
- FQDN for ysf and xlx web dashboards
- XLX number that isnt taken (or pick a random one for testing)
App | Config file(s) |
XLXD | /etc/init.d/xlxd, /var/www/xlxd/pgs/ |
YSF | /ysfreflector/YSFReflector.ini |
YSF2DMR | /ysf2dmr/YSF2DMR.ini |
git clone
cd Multi-Reflector-Installer
systemctl start|stop|status|restart xlxd
- Installs to /xlxd
- Logs are in /var/log/messages
- Be sure to restart xlxd after each config change
systemctl start|stop|status|restart ysfreflector
- Installs to /ysfreflector
- Logs are in /var/log/YSFReflector
I havent been able to make a working Systemd unit file for this yet. So this app will simply have to run in screen.
screen -S ysf2dmr
cd /ysf2dmr
To exit the screen session and leave ysf2dmr running:
ctrl-a, then press d
To return to the screen session:
screen -r ysf2dmr
- Install AMBED:
- Edit the /etc/init.d file for xlxd.
nano or vi /etc/init.d/xlxd
Edit the ARGUMENTS line:
ARGUMENTS="XLX### <YOUR IP> <IP OF AMBED>" #Use if ambed is on the same computer as XLXD
Then update systemd to read the updated init file and restart xlxd:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart xlxd