I told you it won't let me sleep.
Patch Notes
- Batch Mode should no longer resize large-resolution videos. (HONEY I SHRUNK THE KIDS AGAIN)
- Tcl-Tk Library updated to 8.6.16 (brew upgrade once in a while)
Click to expand troubleshooting instructions
If you encounter anything like:
"N8's Video To Gifski.app is damaged and can’t be opened"
"N8's Video To Gifski.app cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified"
""N8's Video To Gifski" can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software."
""MacOS.-.N8.Video.To.Gifski.dmg" Not Opened."
Just copy this code, and then paste and run this on your Terminal:
For The .DMG file:
(Assuming you've downloaded it on your Downloads Folder)
sudo xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine ~/Downloads/MacOS.-.N8.Video.To.Gifski.dmg
sudo xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine ~/Downloads/MacOS\.-\.N8.Video.To.Gifski.dmg
For The Application:
sudo xattr -dr com.apple.quarantine "~/Applications/N8's Video To Gifski.app"
right-click or ⌃(CTRL)+Click the .app/.dmg and click 'Open', a pop-up will appear, then click 'Open' again.
More info here: https://support.apple.com/en-ph/guide/mac-help/mchleab3a043/mac
Full Changelog: 4.0.0...4.0.1