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Manages JSON files as databases with JSONDB Query Language (JQL)


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Manage local databases with JSON files and JSONDB Query Language (JQL)

MIT License

What's that ?

JSONDB is a database manager using JSON files and a custom query language named JQL (JSONDB Query Language).


  • Database management with servers, databases and tables
  • Secure connections to servers with username and password
  • Sync and async operations
  • Easy custom query language
  • Supported JQL queries:
    • select()
    • insert()
    • replace()
    • delete()
    • update()
    • truncate()
    • count()

Getting Started

Full API and documentation will be soon available on the JSONDB website...

Install using npm

JSONDB can be installed through npm:

$ npm install jsondb-js

Instantiate JSONDB

var JSONDB = require("jsondb-js");
var jdb = new JSONDB();

Create a server

If you don't have created a server yet, then:

// Sync
jdb.createServer('server_name', 'username', 'password', connect);

// Async
jdb.async.createServer('server_name', 'username', 'password', function (error) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;

It's useful to check if the destination folder doesn't exist before create a server to avoid errors.

// Sync
if (!jdb.serverExists('server_name')) {
    // Then... create a server

// Async
jdb.async.serverExists('server_name', function(exists) {
    if (!exists) {
        // Then... create a server

Connect to a server

Once instantiated, you have to connect to a server before send queries.

// Sync
var db = jdb.connect('server_name', 'username', 'password', 'database_name');
// or...
var db = jdb.connect('server_name', 'username', 'password');

// Async
jdb.async.connect('server_name', 'user_name', 'password', 'database_name', function (error, db) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;
    // db is now a server connection...
// or...
jdb.async.connect('server_name', 'user_name', 'password', function (error, db) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;
    // db is now a server connection...
  • The server_name is the name of the folder which represents a server (a folder which contains databases). This folder have to be created with jdb.createServer()
  • The username and the password are the information used to connect to the server. These information are the same used when creating the server
  • The database_name is the name of the database to use with current connection. This parameter is optional and can be set manually later.

Create a database

After connection to a server, you can create a database:

// Sync

// Async
db.async.createDatabase('database_name', function(error) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;

You can also check if the database exist before the creation.

// Sync
if (!db.databaseExists('database_name')) {
    // Then... create a database

// Async
db.async.databaseExists('database_name', function (exists) {
    if (!exists) {
        // Then... create a database

Use a database

The database to use can be set using the jdb.connect() method, or manually using jdb.setDatabase() method after a connection to a server:


Create a table

Once JSONDB is properly connected to a server and use a database, you can create a table in this database:

// Sync
db.createTable('table_name', prototype);

// Async
db.async.createTable('table_name', prototype, function(error) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;

The prototype is an object of column_name: column_properties pairs.

Column properties

There is a list of currently supported column properties:

  • type: Defines the type of values that the column accepts. Supported types are:
    • int, integer, number
    • decimal, float
    • string
    • char
    • bool, boolean
    • array
  • default: Sets the default value of column
  • max_length: Used by some type:
    • When used with float, the number of decimals is reduced to his value
    • When used with string, the number of characters is reduced to his value (starting with the first character)
  • auto_increment: Defines if a column will be an auto incremented column. When used, the column is automatically set to UNIQUE KEY
  • primary_key: Defines if a column is a PRIMARY KEY
  • unique_key: Defines if a column is an UNIQUE KEY

Send a query

JSONDB can send both direct and prepared queries.

Direct queries

// ---
// Sync
// ---
var results = db.query('my_query_string');

//// Specially for select() and count() queries
// You can change the fecth mode
// or...
results.setFetchMode(JSONDB.FETCH_CLASS, MyCustomClass);
// Explore results using a while loop (sync)
while (result = results.fetch()) {
    // Do stuff with result...
// Explore results using recursion (async)
results.async.fetch(function(error, result, next) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;
    // Stop the resursion when there is no data
    if (result !== false) {
        // Do stuff with result..
        next(); // Important to call the same callback function with the next data    

// -----

// ---
// Async
// ---
db.async.query('my_query_string', function(error, results) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;
    //// Specially for select() and count() queries
    // You can change the fecth mode
    // or...
    results.setFetchMode(JSONDB.FETCH_CLASS, MyCustomClass);
    // Explore results using a while loop (sync)
    while (result = results.fetch()) {
        // Do stuff with result...
    // Explore results using recursion (async)
    results.async.fetch(function(error, result, next) {
        if (error) {
            throw error;
        // Stop the resursion when there is no data
        if (result !== false) {
            // Do stuff with result..
            next(); // Important to call the same callback function with the next data    

Prepared queries

// ---
// Sync
// ---
var query = db.prepare('my_prepared_query');
query.bindValue(':key1', val1, JSONDB.PARAM_INT);
query.bindValue(':key2', val2, JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
query.bindValue(':key3', val3, JSONDB.PARAM_BOOL);
query.bindValue(':key4', val4, JSONDB.PARAM_NULL);
query.bindValue(':key5', val5, JSONDB.PARAM_ARRAY);
// Execute query synchronously...
var results = query.execute();
// Execute query asynchronously...`
query.async.execute(function(error, results) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;
    // Do stuff with results...

// -----

// ---
// Async
// ---
jdb.async.prepare('my_prepared_query', function(error, query) {
    if (error) {
        throw error;
    query.bindValue(':key1', val1, JSONDB.PARAM_INT);
    query.bindValue(':key2', val2, JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
    query.bindValue(':key3', val3, JSONDB.PARAM_BOOL);
    query.bindValue(':key4', val4, JSONDB.PARAM_NULL);
    query.bindValue(':key5', val5, JSONDB.PARAM_ARRAY);
    // Execute query synchronously...
    var results = query.execute();
    // Execute query asynchronously...`
    query.async.execute(function(error, results) {
        if (error) {
            throw error;
        // Do stuff with results...

JQL (JSONDB Query Language)

The JQL is the query language used in JSONDB. It's a very easy language based on extensions. A JQL query is in this form:


Query Examples


Select all from table users where username = id and password = pass or where mail = id and password = pass

var id = JSONDB.quote(;
var pass = JSONDB.quote(form_data.password);
db.query("*).where(username=" + id + ",password=" + pass + ").where(mail=" + id + ",password=" + pass + ")");

Select username and mail from table users where activated = true, order the results by username with descendant method, limit the results to the 10 users after the 5th.


Insert a new user in table users

var username = JSONDB.quote(form_data.username);
var pass = JSONDB.quote(form_data.password);
var mail = JSONDB.quote(form_data.mail);
db.query("users.insert(" + username + "," + pass + "," + mail + ").in(username,password,mail)");

Multiple insertion...

db.query("users.insert(" + username1 + "," + pass1 + "," + mail1 + ").and(" + username2 + "," + pass2 + "," + mail2 + ").and(" + username3 + "," + pass3 + "," + mail3 + ").in(username,password,mail)");

Replace information of the first user

db.query("users.replace(" + username + "," + pass + "," + mail + ").in(username,password,mail)");

Multiple replacement...

db.query("users.replace(" + username1 + "," + pass1 + "," + mail1 + ").and(" + username2 + "," + pass2 + "," + mail2 + ").and(" + username3 + "," + pass3 + "," + mail3 + ").in(username,password,mail)");

Delete all users


Delete all banished users

db.query("users.delete().where(banished = true)");

Delete a specific user

db.query("users.delete().where(username = " + username + ", mail = " + mail + ")");

Activate all users


Update my information ;-)

db.query("users.update(mail, password, activated, banished).with(" + mail + ", " + username + ", true, false).where(username = 'na2axl')");

Reset the table users


Count all banished users

db.query("users.count(*).as(banished_nb).where(banished = true)");

Count all users and group by activated


Query functions


Returns the sha1 of a text. Exemple: Update an old password by a new one:

var old_password = your_sha1_encrypt_function(form_data.old);
var new_password =;
var query = db.prepare("users.insert(sha1(:new)).in(password).where(sha1(password) = :old)");
query.bindValue(':new', new_password);
query.bindValue(':old', old_password);

Returns the md5 of a text. Exemple:

var result = db.query(" = 'na2axl')");

Returns the timestamp.


Returns the date of today in the form year-month-day h:m:s. You can change the form of the date by using identifiers as parameters:

Identifier Value
%a The day in 3 letters (Mon)
%A The full day (Monday)
%d The day of the month with a leading zero (06)
%m The month of the year with a leading zero (12)
%e The month of the wear without a leading zero
%w The day of the week without a leading zero
%W The day of the week with a leading zero
%b The month in 3 letters (Jan)
%B The full month (January)
%y The last two digits of the year (16)
%Y The full year (2016)
%H The hour with a leading 0 (09)
%k The hour without a leading 0 (9)
%M The minutes
%S The seconds
db.query("users.update(last_acitity).with(now('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S').where(username = 'na2axl'))");

Returns the lower case version of a text.


Returns the upper case version of a text.


Upper case the first letter and lower case all others in a text.


Returns the number of characters in a text.

Supported JQL operators

  • a = b : a equal to b
  • a != b : a different than b
  • a <> b : a different than b
  • a >= b : a superior or equal to b
  • a <= b : a inferior or equal to b
  • a < b : a inferior to b
  • a > b : a superior to b
  • a %= b : a % b === 0
  • a %! b : a % b !== 0

Full example

Sync version

var JSONDB = require("jsondb-js");

var jdb = new JSONDB();

if (!jdb.serverExists('test')) {
    jdb.createServer('test', 'root', '');

var db = jdb.connect('test', 'root', '');

if (!db.databaseExists('test_database')) {


if (!db.tableExists('users')) {
    db.createTable('users', { 'id': {'type': 'int', 'auto_increment': true, 'primary_key': true},
                              'name': {'type': 'string', 'max_length': 30, 'not_null': true},
                              'last_name': {'type': 'string', 'max_length': 30, 'not_null': true},
                              'username': {'type': 'string', 'max_length': 15, 'unique_key': true},
                              'mail': {'type': 'string', 'unique_key': true},
                              'password': {'type': 'string', 'not_null': true},
                              'website': {'type': 'string'},
                              'activated': {'type': 'bool', 'default': false},
                              'banished': {'type': 'bool', 'default': false} });

// A prepared query
var query = db.prepare("users.insert(:name, :sname, :username, :mail, sha1(:pass)).in(name, last_name, username, mail, password)");
query.bindValue(':name', 'Nana', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
query.bindValue(':sname', 'Axel', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
query.bindValue(':username', 'na2axl', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
query.bindValue(':mail', '[email protected]', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
query.bindValue(':pass', '00%a_ComPLEx-PassWord%00', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);

// After some insertions...

// Select all users
var results = db.query(', name, last_name, username)');

// Fetch with class mapping
var User = function () {}; = 0; = '';
User.prototype.last_name = '';
User.prototype.username = '';
User.prototype.getInfo = function () {
    return "The user with ID: " + + "has the name: " + + " " + this.last_name + " and the username " + this.username + ".";

while (result = results.fetch(JSONDB.FETCH_CLASS, User)) {

Async version

var JSONDB = require("jsondb-js");

var jdb = new JSONDB();

// Class used for mapping
var User = function () {}; = 0; = '';
User.prototype.last_name = '';
User.prototype.username = '';
User.prototype.getInfo = function () {
    return "The user with ID: " + + " has the name: " + + " " + this.last_name + " and the username " + this.username + ".";

jdb.async.serverExists('test', function (exists) {
    if (!exists) {
        jdb.createServer('test', 'root', '');

    jdb.async.connect('test', 'root', '', function (error, db) {
        if (error) {
            throw error;

        db.async.databaseExists('test_database', function (exists) {
            if (!exists) {

            db.async.tableExists('users', function (exists) {
                if (!exists) {
                    db.createTable('users', { 'id': {'type': 'int', 'auto_increment': true, 'primary_key': true},
                        'name': {'type': 'string', 'max_length': 30, 'not_null': true},
                        'last_name': {'type': 'string', 'max_length': 30, 'not_null': true},
                        'username': {'type': 'string', 'max_length': 15, 'unique_key': true},
                        'mail': {'type': 'string', 'unique_key': true},
                        'password': {'type': 'string', 'not_null': true},
                        'website': {'type': 'string'},
                        'activated': {'type': 'bool', 'default': false},
                        'banished': {'type': 'bool', 'default': false} });

                // A prepared query
                db.async.prepare("users.insert(:name, :sname, :username, :mail, sha1(:pass)).in(name, last_name, username, mail, password)", function (error, query) {
                    if (error) {
                        throw error;
                    query.bindValue(':name', 'Nana', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
                    query.bindValue(':sname', 'Axel', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
                    query.bindValue(':username', 'na2axl', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
                    query.bindValue(':mail', '[email protected]', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
                    query.bindValue(':pass', '00%a_ComPLEx-PassWord%00', JSONDB.PARAM_STRING);
                    query.async.execute(function (error , result) {
                        if (error) {
                            throw error;
                        // Is an insert() query, so result is a boolean...

                        // After some insertions...

                        // Select all users
                        db.async.query(', name, last_name, username)', function (error, results) {
                            if (error) {
                                throw error;
                            // Is an select() query, so results is a QueryResult object...
                            results.async.fetch(JSONDB.FETCH_CLASS, User, function (error, current, next) {
                                if (error) {
                                    throw error;
                                if (current !== false) {

After the execution of (one of) these scripts, the table users will be a .json file which will contain:

    "prototype": ["#rowid","id","name","last_name","username","mail","password","website","activated","banished"],
    "properties": {
        "id": {
        "name": {
        "last_name": {
        "username": {
        "mail": {
        "password": {
        "website": {
        "activated": {
        "banished": {
    "data": {
        "#1": {
            "mail":"[email protected]",


Found a bug? Have a feature request? Want to contribute to this project? Please, feel free to create a new issue on GitHub, or fork this code, hack it, and make a pull request !



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(c) 2016 Centers Technologies. Licensed under GPL-3.0 (read license).