This template shows an example of ansible playbook how to build and deploy a war file This also takes care of installing all required software stack if its a fresh new machine
Perform the following steps in order to setup ansible machine
Step | Command | Description |
- | OS | CentOS 7
- | Download EPEL Repository | wget
- | Enable rpm of EPEL | rpm -ivh epel-release-7-8.noarch.rpm
- | Install Ansible | sudo yum install ansible -y
- | Test Version | ansible --version (Tested with :
Clone the deployment repository and do the following changes before running the ansible-playbook
git clone
vim production/group_vars/all/vars_file.yml --> modify domain name / Load balancer's IP and required parms
vim production/group_vars/all/vars_credentials.yml --> DB password and jwt key "if required you can use ansible vault to encrypt / decrypt"
vim production/inventory --> provide IP address of all servers
Following command is used to start the deployment process, This will install all required dependencies.
cd jar-deploy
ansible-playbook -i production webservers.yml -vv