It's a React Native + TS Application with NestJS + GraphQL Rest API created to simulate a "NFT E-commerce" where you can find basic features like List NFT's, Add & Remove to the cart, List added itens into the cart and finalize the purchase simulation, sending your choosen itens to a virtual wallet. After finished the buy flow, you will be able to see your bought itens in a Wallet.
This project is integrated with OpenSea public API.
- You need to configure the server API to finish this setup.
To set up the server API, please follow this link: API Repository
1- download ZIP or clone repository
git clone
2- Install packages
npm install
yarn install
2.1 - If you're going to run this project into iOS devices or simulators
cd ios && pod install & cd ..
If you're facing any issue to run into macOS environment, please follow this docs Official macOS Docs
3- In this tutorial I'm providing a localtunnel default configuration, but you can do your own configuration
For the first time that you run this command, it will ask you for some agreements, just set is as Y (Yes)
npx localtunnel --subdomain corebridge --port 3001
4- If you did any change in the default configuration, then you'll need to edit file "codegen.ts" to let the schema URL pointing to the server API URL. Below is the default configuration (see Requirements above)
import { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli';
const config: CodegenConfig = {
schema: '',
documents: ['src/**/*.tsx'],
generates: {
'./src/graphql/types.ts': {
plugins: ['typescript'],
ignoreNoDocuments: true,
export default config;
5- Run Codegen script for GraphQL types and start server
yarn run generate:schema
npm run generate:schema
You are now able to connect your real device and run the application or use a simulator to test it!
If you have any doubt, issue or you are learning RN, please see docs below to learn how to run RN applications