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File metadata and controls

376 lines (267 loc) · 17.5 KB



Nanjizal has grown to the point where it is useful to have an overview.

Here I collate smaller projects and provide a narative on Nanjizal and the development of concepts through my experiments and helper libraries.

Trilateral ( Vectors for GPU ) justDrawing pixelDrawing
trilateralkiwi justdrawingkiwi justdrawingkiwi
folder htmlHelper Nodule ( XML -> LinkedList ) SimpleText
directory-1294386_1280 document nodule simpletext

jsgl hxSpiro hxDaedalus hxRectPack2D
jsgl spiro hxdaedalusimg rectpack2d
triangulations hxPolyK
ruppert polykdivtastic

JigsawX tryflipSpin puzzle PolyminoTriangles ( tetris )
jigsawximage tryflip polyminokha

Code Animations
Zeal of Zebra L-Systems LED display Dot matrix
zeal canvas lsystem2 backtothefuture dotmatrix

Letters Monkey
lettersgrab monkeyimage

Ascii terminal Divtastic drawing with div's Ellipse SVG parsing FXG Parrot
haxeansi3 picker elipse parrot

Zeal of Zebra

Using my Leaf offset rotations, folders image/file helper and my port of RectPack2D.

zeal canvas

Zeal Development

From the Canvas version to the WebGL, with some Texture packing and Ascii art diversions. read more.. >

Code Links:

Canvas Kha - WebGL
htmlHelper.canvas.Leaf MainApp

Ascii Art, hxPixel and Ansi


In my exploration of Zeal, and and creating a console Neko texture packer. Was curious about a quick display of images within the terminal window - Ansi and ascii. read more.. >

Code Links:

info link
Neko Main Main
folder folder.Folder


Flexible jigsaw engine where you can adjust aspects of the curve generation and number of rows and columns.


WebGL Kha uses Trilateral mapping textures to the triangulation fill generated, rotation via arrow keys when mouse down. Canvas version uses one per Div piece.

Flash, Swing Java, OpenFL, NME ( + android ), Kha and Canvas versions, some with webcam or video.

Trilateral drawing contours with WebGL ( GL ).


Trilateral converts drawing commands into contours built with triangles suitable for rendering vector graphics on the GPU. Mostly tested with Kha's Haxe toolkit with WebGL examples. Trilateral is Haxe toolkit agnostic, but additional features are to be found both in trilateralXtra library and in trilateralBazaar the examples library.




  • Different contour rendering from basic overlapping lines, basic triangle corner to complex rounded corners.
  • Contour thickness control.
  • Simple moveTo, lineTo, quadTo, curveTo.
  • Support for basic 2 triangle shapes: line, quad, star.
  • Support for basic multiple triangle shapes: polygon, star, diamond, square, rounded rectangle, circle, ellipse.
  • Integration with shape fill algorithms basic fill hxPolyK, poly2trihx and hxGeomAlgo's Tess2.
  • SVG path parsing, encluding Ellipses, and support for some simple SVG images.
  • FXG, a depreciated adobe Vector format typically used with Flash.
  • Complex linear gradient fill of arbitary shapes.
  • Image fill of arbitary shapes.
  • Dot matrix 5x7 character scrolling.
  • Seven Segment LED and 16 Segment LED.
  • Triangle HitTesting allowing shape perfect hit testing.
  • Tools for scaling, rotating and translating drawings, also useful for manipulating SVG paths.
  • Indexing for easy extraction and manipulation of triangulated structures.





Tetris, triangle crazy.

I was asked if I could make Tetris, implemented it with triangles not an MVC framework! You can define your own shapes in the code easily and it runs on all Haxe toolkits, did add SVG target but meh, also emscriptem via NME. Two versions below. Arrow keys to play.


Port of Spiro a fancy tool for making intuative curves.

TODO: upload better version to github as the code pen one move points is broken.


greatly improved this project adding cool examples, animation and implementing color and abstracting for use with both Kha and Luxe rendering or possibly other toolkits.




Ellipse SVG parsing




Parrot FXG with Trilateral


Dot matrix with Trilateral



Simple Text provides more features than the minimal Kha text. SimpleText parses characters as integers so it's quite low level and rather ugly inside.


  • Wrapping
  • Horizontal justification, LEFT, CENTRE, RIGHT, ...
  • Highlight of word, character, sentences
  • Allows Equations to control x, y, scale coordinates of letters.

tryFlipSpin puzzle

A puzzle where you flip triangles by clicking on thier corners to complete the image.


A puzzle with a similar concept to a slider puzzle but instead of sliding rectangular pieces you flip triangular pieces, very hard to play. Developed in NME/OpenFL/Flash uses lots of BitmapData. It could be useful for triangular grid games in theory but the code is perhaps a bit complex for such reuse.


Nodule a library to parse XML to a faster structure.


Nodule does very low level parsing of XML using character codes, so it's pretty fast but not infinitely robust. Provides a LinkedList firstChild structure with extensive use of abstracts to make access of final structural data easy and flexible. By hooking in Kha's text it's possible to provide simple color coded XML render.

Divtastic drawing with just div's.



Provides simple draw command API to Canvas, SVG, Swing, Flash and Pixels.



folder provides wrappers for file browsing and getting images as hxPixels and then saving them again, it was originally part of 'finda' but I decided it was more useful without graphics as a helper for other projects like RectPack2D.

folder code

directory-1294386_1280 (folder image from pixabay)


HtmlHelper contains setup code such as basic WebGL and Canvas setup and more.

document (image from pixabay)


Monkey is really cool, but totally useless, because it's all one file to run in an early version of Kodegarden with all assets encoded!

monkeyimage Originally a complete rework of Kharira a demo on Kha. Monkey uses hundreds of Suzanne heads with a 100 different textures. It uses Quaternions so that rotation in 3D works well. Due to the number of embedded assets it takes forever to load but runs as smooth as butter.

demo slow to load With key and mouse combinations you have complete control of rotations and translation.

Try alt + arrow up/down for Zoom.

Try Enter + shift + arrow left/right to rotate all heads speed - super crazy!

Monkey Code for the adventurous