SAML v2 login support for existing password based accounts
see the example app example-openidp
and for a demo
- this package is working but may have issues with various saml providers - it has only been tested and verified with OpenIDP
- you will not be able to do saml authentication when developing locally as the idp can not return to a localhost url
- the accounts-ui loggin buttons will not include saml providers, this may be implemented as a future enhancement, see below for how to build a custom login button
put saml settings in meteor.settings like so:
"issuer": "", //replace with url of your app
in some template
<a href="#" class="saml-login" data-provider="openidp">OpenIDP</a>
in helper function
'click .saml-login': function(event, template){
var provider = $('provider');
}, function(error, result){
//handle errors and result
EntryID = Name of Service = meteor-accounts-saml-example AssertionConsumerService endpoint =
- better surfacing and display of errors
- logout support
heavily derived from
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