Mortar eases the use of Dagger to divide Android apps into composable modules. It is not a framework: there are no abstract Application or Activity classes here. Mortar eschews magic. Rather, Mortar is a simple library that makes it easy to pair thin views with dedicated controllers (Presenters), isolated from most of the vagaries of the Activity life cycle. The patterns it encourages have evolved in parallel across several Android teams at Square.
Mortar relies on Dagger, and of course the Android runtime, but those are its only direct dependencies. That said, it works very well with Retrofit, Flow and RxJava. Butterknife can be a fun partner too. (Use of all of these libraries is illustrated in the sample app.)
A Mortar app has only a handful of Activity classes, ideally a single one. It
does not have Fragments or Loaders. Instead its UI is built primarily of plain
old Views, which use Dagger to @Inject
whatever services
they need.
Typically such a view is a thin thing that delegates all of its interesting work to an injected controller of type Presenter. A Presenter simplifies life by surviving configuration changes, and has just enough access to the Activity lifecycle to be restored after process death.
As your app grows you probably want to divide it up into discrete parts, both to retain your sanity and to be miserly with the scarce resources available on a mobile device. You can divide it into a tree of MortarScopes. Each scope is defined by a Blueprint that can serve as a single point of reference for what that scope does, and in particular can define objects visible only to the scope and its children.
Maybe a scope is associated with a particular view, or maybe it isn't. For example, an app might have a top level global scope that allows the injection of fundamental services; a child of that which manages objects that require an authenticated user; children of them for each Activity; and children of the activity scopes for their various screens and regions.
A MortarScope provides a simple life cycle: it can tell interested parties when they enter and exit it if they implement the Scoped interface. Scopes created at the Activity level or below can also manage instances of the Bundler interface, which give access to the host Activity's persistence Bundle. And that's the entire lifecycle that Mortar apps need to deal with:
Note in particular that an activity's scope is not destroyed when a particular
instance of that activity is destroyed. It sticks around until someone calls
, e.g. in the Activity#onDestroy
method if isFinishing()
is true. Any objects registered at or below the
activity scope will survive any number of onLoad and onSave calls as the
device is rotated, as the app pauses, etc. Of course process death and
resurrection can strike at any time, so each onSave() call should archive as
if it were the last, and each onLoad() should check to see if it's really a
reload. But that's a lot simpler than the usual gymnastics.
Under the hood, scopes take advantage of one of Dagger's most interesting
features, the ability for an object graph to spawn a child graph (see
ObjectGraph#plus). Singletons and other bindings defined in a parent
graph can be injected by all of its offspring, but the parent graph itself is
not modified by them. In practice, this means that a @Singleton FooService
defined in the root scope is available for injection to all parts of the app.
Any singletons defined in an activity's scope, say an @Singleton FooEditor
can be injected by the activity and any of its views, but is not accessible to
the rest of the application.
When a scope is destroyed it drops all references to its own object graph and makes its children do the same, freeing up everything to be GC'd. Each portion of the app has the convenience of global singletons, with no concerns that precious RAM is being consumed by things the user doesn't care about at the moment.
Another example: suppose you have a set of screens that slide in and out next to a fixed portion of the screen, like a sidebar or an activity, and each screen needs to share in the management of that common region. The parent view that owns the common ground can be tied to a parent scope, and starts and stops child scopes for each child view. Children can simply inject the presenter that drives the shared region. They don't need to know how far up the view chain that action bar lives, or to somehow find their way to the activity. It's simply available.
Here's how you might actually write this stuff.
This example presumes an activity is in charge of displaying subscreens and that you're using Flow's Layouts utility to handle view creation.
* @param nextScreen blueprint of the screen to show, must have
* {@literal @}Layout annotation.
void showScreen(Blueprint nextScreen) {
MortarScope activityScope = Mortar.getMortarScope(this);
View currentView = getCurrentView();
if (currentView != null) {
MortarScope newScope = activityScope.requireChild(nextScreen);
Context newContext = newScope.createContext(this);
View screenView = Layouts.createView(newContext, nextScreen);
View getCurrentView() {
return ((ViewGroup)findViewById(;
It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see how you'd specify animations for the transition between these two views. You'd just…do it.
This view-centered approach to composition doesn't mean that Mortar apps are
untestable. It's trivial to move all the interesting parts of a view over to
a Presenter. And because presenters survive config changes like
rotation, they can be a lot easier to work with than code trapped over in
Context-land. To do this a view injects its presenter, lets that presenter
know when it's ready to roll from onFinishInflate()
, and surrenders control
in onDetachedFromWindow()
Here's an example, with one small conceit—we're using Flow's @Layout annotation for consistency with the previous example.
public class MyView extends LinearLayout {
@Inject MyScreen.Presenter presenter;
private EditText someText;
public MyView(Context context) {
Mortar.inject(context, this);
@Override protected void onFinishInflate() {
someText = (TextView) findViewById(;
findViewById( OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
@Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {
public String getSomeText() {
return someText.getText().toString();
public void showResult(SomeResult result) {
public class MyScreen implements Blueprint {
@Override public String getMortarScopeName() {
return getClass().getName();
@Override public Object getDaggerModule() {
return new Module();
@dagger.Module(injects = MyView.class, addsTo = MyActivity.Module.class)
public class Module {
public class Presenter extends ViewPresenter<MyView> {
private final SomeAsyncService service;
private SomeResult lastResult;
Presenter(SomeAsyncService service) {
this.service = service;
@Override public void onLoad(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (lastResult == null && savedInstanceState != null) {
lastResult = savedInstanceState.getParcelable("last");
@Override public void onSave(Bundle outState) {
if (lastResult != null) outState.putParcelable("last", lastResult);
public void someButtonClicked() {
new AsyncCallback<SomeResult>() {
public void onResult(SomeResult result)
lastResult = result;
if (getView() != null) updateView();
private void updateView() {
Notice how naturally this presenter copes with the possibility that the view that made it start some asynchronous process might no longer be available when the result eventually arrives.
Another subtle but important point: we're assuming that all views are
instantiated as a side effect of inflating a layout file. While not an
enforced requirement, this is certainly a best practice. It ensures that
will not be called from the View's constructor (doing work
with partially constructed objects is a classic Java pitfall), and it means
that Android theming will work as expected.
Mortar requires a little bit of wiring to do its job. Its main trick is to
require all Views' contexts to descend from a context that can return a
Mortar specific system service. In practice this means your Activity
creates a scope and returns it from getSystemService()
, and when you
create views for subscopes you manufacture their contexts by calling
MortarScope#createContext. You'll also need a custom
Application subclass to hold the root scope. (This is how
scopes survive configuration changes.)
So declare your custom app in AndroidManifest.xml
android:label="My App"
public class MyApplication extends Application {
private MortarScope applicationScope;
@Override public void onCreate() {
// Eagerly validate development builds (too slow for production).
applicationScope = Mortar.createRootScope(BuildConfig.DEBUG);
@Override public Object getSystemService(String name) {
if (Mortar.isScopeSystemService(name)) {
return applicationScope;
return super.getSystemService(name);
Make your activities, or a common superclass they all extend, create or
restore a MortarActivityScope
public abstract class MyBaseActivity extends Activity {
private MortarActivityScope activityScope;
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
MortarScope parentScope = Mortar.getScope(getApplication());
activityScope = Mortar.requireActivityScope(parentScope, getBlueprint());
@Override public Object getSystemService(String name) {
if (Mortar.isScopeSystemService(name)) {
return activityScope;
return super.getSystemService(name);
* Return the {@link Blueprint} that defines the {@link MortarScope} for this activity.
protected abstract Blueprint getBlueprint();
@Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
@Override public void onDestroy() {
if (isFinishing()) {
MortarScope parentScope = Mortar.getScope(getApplication());
activityScope = null;
Download the latest JAR or grab via Maven:
<version>(insert latest version)</version>
or Gradle:
compile 'com.squareup.mortar:mortar:(latest version)'
This stuff is in rapid development, and has been open sourced at an earlier time in its life than is typical for Square. While we have a lot of code written in this style, we are still in the process of migrating to Mortar per se. As its use broadens bugs will be fixed and apis will be broken. (Ideally the apis will need to change because of new uses that you find!)
Copyright 2013 Square, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.