A collaborative video editing application.
Install NodeJS from http://nodejs.org/.
Download and install the GruntJS command line tool.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Cd to project directory, then download and install NodeJS packages.
$ npm install
Create compiled directory (compiles and watches source).
$ grunt
Run server.
$ node server
Open http://localhost:9090 in a web browser.
Watch for and compile changes to source files.
$ grunt watch
Grunt is used to compile and push the app to an s3 bucket. To deploy, a file named .aws.json containing your Amazon S3 authentication must be present at the project root.
"key": "your_s3_key",
"secret": "your_s3_secret"
Push to the bucket "my-bucket" by executing the grunt task "deploy" from the command line.
$ grunt deploy:my-bucket
SASS - CSS Pre-processor
Bourbon - Grid Framework
Bourbon Neat - Responsive Framework
RequireJS - Dependency Management
Crossroads - Routing
Hasher - URL Hash Management
Signals - Eventing
Lo-Dash - Utility
jQuery - DOM Interaction and AJAX
Handlebars - Templating