This repository contains a simple example of how to use GLFW with Vulkan on Windows only. The example is a simple triangle that is rendered to the screen. \
- The example is informed by the Vulkan Guide by GLFW
- The Vulkan Tutorial + Github by Alexander Overvoorde
- The Vulkan Spec
- Other resources:
- Vulkan YouTube channel + OGLDEV on YouTube
- Khronos Vulkan Guide
- Vulkan SDK
- Windows SDK (Only for Windows)
- CMake
- VS Code
I recommend using Ninja as the build system for this project. It is by far the fastest and easiest to use.
First ensure you install the Vulkan SDK for Windows. Add the VULKAN_SDK environment variable to your system if desired. Check install with vulkaninfo
in the command prompt.
Next, grab glfw from or simply clone it into your C or Root directory. Then build the glfw library using CMake & Ninja. The following commands should be used to build the library:
cd glfw
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Ninja" ..
cmake --build ..
ninja install
That should ensure that the glfw library is built and installed on your system, and links correctly with other required windows libraries.
To build the example, simply clone the repository and run the following commands in the command prompt:
cd glfw-vulkan
To see the example in action, simply run the run.bat
file in the command prompt. This will run the pre-built executable from the /build