This project is Dapp that relies on the functionality of a smart contract offering a star discovery notary service as non fungible tokens, ERC-721 compliant, based on an OpenZeppelin implementation of the standard. The token contrat is deployed on an Ethereum public testnet (Rinkeby). This project is based on Truffle boxes (initialized by the webpack truffle box), and can be deployed on a local network (Ganache GUI or ganache-cli), or Rinkeby public testnet (See deployment configuration in truffle-config.js via the Infura API).
For runnig this project, you will need to setup:
- Node and NPM
- Node v16.15.1
- npm v8.11.0
- Truffle & OpenZeppelin
- Truffle v5.0.2
- Truffle HDWallet Provider v1.0.17
- OpenZeppelin v2.3
Metamask: Metamask v10.17.0
Solidity compiler: Solidity v0.5.16
Web3.js: Web3.js v1.7.4
- Token name: NL Stars
- Token symbol: NLS
- ERC-721 Token contract address on the Rinkeby public network: