The extra points project for the midterm exam as follows
- Process the dataset (select 1 of the 4) provided ( by applying and comparing accuracies of kNN, DT, Naïve-base, LRM, Logit.
- Check dataset and do preprocessing (missing value interpretation, transformations etc)
- Show the scatter plot and display correlations for those features whose correlation is higher than 0.6. Do everything in one scatter plot.
- Try different variations and parameters for above algorithms and check metrics. For example kNN with k=3,5,9, various DTs, NBs and RMs etc
- Display accuracies for each different variation. For example: applied transformation check the metrics etc.,
- You can implement program in menu based form
- Prepare explanatory document and present in the class
- For the grade document and program must be submitted to instructor for check. This project is individual