This package is deprecated. There will be no features or bug fixes in future.
- Silverstripe 3.*
composer require "nblum/silverstripe-customizableinputfield"
- Download and copy module in SilverStripe root directory
private static $db = array(
'Field' => 'CustomizableInputField'
Example for mail address with pre defined domain:
//creates a new fieldset
$field = new CustomizableInputFieldSet('Field', 'Email address');
//creates a new part
$part1 = new CustomizableInputFieldPart();
//adds the customized fieldset to the tab
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $field, 'Content');
Example for (german) mobile phone numbers:
+49 (0) ___ / _________
//creates a new fieldset
$field = new CustomizableInputFieldSet('Field', 'Mobile Phone');
//creates a new part
$part1 = new CustomizableInputFieldPart();
//the first param will be visible in admin form, the second in the template
$part1->setBefore('+49', '+49 (0)');
//creates a second part
$part2 = new CustomizableInputFieldPart();
//adds the customized fieldset to the tab
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Main', $field, 'Content');
<!-- show the concatenated string for simple output -->
<!-- loop over all parts of fieldset, for more individual output -->
<% loop $Field1.Parts %>
<span>$Before $Value $After</span>
<% end_loop %>