This workflow is an efficient computational workflow for Adaptive Sampling.
This workflow consists of the following steps
Note that Basecalling is assumed to be done separately. Please specify the paths to the FASTQ and FAST5 files individually in the config.
Map the reads to the reference genome using Minimap2.
Call the variants using Pepper-Margin-DeepVariant.
Call the structual variation using nanomonsv.
Referring to the reference panel, low-coverage reads in off-target regions will also be used to perform genome-wide phasing by GLIMPSE.
Tagging reads by haplotype for visualization using Whatshap.
Determine methylation status using Nanopolish.
This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to analyze the sequence data (FASTQ and FAST5 files) of the CMK-86 cell line.
The workflow is designed to cover the region surrounding TP53 gene.
Each analysis uses a singularity image, so please make sure you can use Singularity beforehand.
1. Download this repogitry
we use the
script ( in ./script/nanopolish.
git clone
cd tutorial
2. Install snakemake
We also use Snakemake to control the workflow, so please install Snakemake beforehand.
Please see snakemake official document.
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install snakemake
pip3 install snakemake
3. Pull singularity images
note that PWD is tutorial
mkdir $PWD/image
singularity pull $PWD/image/pepper_deepvariant_r0.8.sif docker://kishwars/pepper_deepvariant:r0.8
singularity pull $PWD/image/nanomonsv_v0.5.0.sif docker://friend1ws/nanomonsv:v0.5.0
singularity pull $PWD/image/glimpse_v1.1.1.sif docker://wn505/glimpse:v1.1.1
singularity pull $PWD/image/minimap2_v2.22_2.sif docker://wn505/minimap2:v2.22_2
singularity pull $PWD/image/whatshap_v1.4.0.sif docker://wn505/whatshap:v1.4.0
singularity pull $PWD/image/nanopolish_v0.13.3.sif docker://aokad/nanopolish:0.0.1
4. Download input FAST5
, input FASTQ
files and control bam (for nanomonsv)
from zenodo
5. Download tools and control data.
To obtain the tools and panel data needed to run the tutorial, you can use the following script
Before executing the following commands, please make sure that singularity is available.
bash ${control_bam}
This command will generate several files under the downloads directory.
Note that the following script uses the downloaded control data, so be sure to execute No.3(Pull singularity images) and No.4(Download input FAST5
, input FASTQ
files and control bam (for nanomonsv)
from zenodo) before executing this No.5(Download tools and control data).
6.Additions to config
The contents of config.cfg must be rewritten in three places.
- input fastq file
- fast5 directory of input
- input control bam file (for nanomonsv)
vi config.cfg
1. Path of downloaded input_fastq
2. Path of downloaded input_fast5 (directory path)
3. Path of downloaded control_bam (for nanomonsv)
For full-scale use, Please refer to the following "Download Tool, control_panels" to download further necessary data__
Please see the Download tools,control_panels
section at the bottom of this page
├── Snakefile
├── config.yaml
├── downloads
│ ├── glimpse
│ │ ├──CCDG_14151_B01_GRM_WGS_2020-08-05_chr17.filtered.shapeit2-duohmm-phased.vcf.gz
│ │ └──CCDG_14151_B01_GRM_WGS_2020-08-05_chr17.filtered.shapeit2-duohmm-phased.vcf.gz.tbi
│ ├── nanomonsv
│ │ ├── control_bam
│ │ │ ├── THP-1_control_tutorial_TP53_range_5M.sorted.bam (This file can be downloaded from zenodo and placed anywhere you like.
│ │ │ │ Please rewrite the placed location in your config.)
│ │ │ └── THP-1_control_tutorial_TP53_range_5M.sorted.bam.bai
│ │ ├── control_panel
│ │ │ ├── hprc_year1_data_freeze_nanopore_minimap2_2_24_merge_control
│ │ │ ├── ..........
│ │ │ └── hprc_year1_data_freeze_nanopore_minimap2_2_24_merge_control.rearrangement.sorted.bedpe.gz.tbi
│ │ └── control_prefix
│ │ │ ├── THP-1_control_tutorial_TP53_range_5M.sorted.bed.gz
│ │ │ ├── ..........
│ │ └── THP-1_control_tutorial_TP53_range_5M.sorted.bedpe.gz.tbi
│ └── nanopolish
│ └──ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux
├── image
│ ├── glimpse_v1.1.1.sif
│ ├── ..........
│ └── whatshap_v1.4.0.sif
├── input
│ ├── fast5_dir
│ │ └── CMK-86_input_tutorial_TP53_range_5M.fast5 (This file can be downloaded from zenodo and placed anywhere you like.
│ │ │ │ Please rewrite the placed location in your config.)
│ └── fastq
│ └── CMK-86_input_tutorial_TP53_range_5M.fastq (This file can be downloaded from zenodo and placed anywhere you like.
│ Please rewrite the placed location(directory) in your config.)
├── output
│ ├── glimpse
│ ├── minimap2
│ ├── nanomonsv
│ ├── nanopolish
│ ├── pmdv
│ └── whatshap
├── reference
│ ├── Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
│ └── Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.fai
└── script
├── glimpse
│ ├──
│ ├──
├── minimap2
│ └──
├── nanomonsv
│ └──
├── nanopolish
│ ├──
│ ├──
├── pmdv
│ └──
└── whatshap
Please not to forget to activate pyenv, if you have installed snakemake within pyenv.
source {path/to/dir/bin/activate}
snakemake -np --verbose
if you create dag.png
snakemake --dag | dot -Tpng > dag.png
snakemake --cores all --verbose --use-singularity
If you have already perfomed tutorial, you just need to execute 4.2.3(Download fastq), 4.2.5(Make control prefix) and 4.3.1(Download conrtol_panel and make vcf).
4.1.1 Download hd5_plugin
mkdir -p $PWD/downloads/nanopolish
wget \
-O $PWD/downloads/nanopolish/ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf $PWD/downloads/nanopolish/ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C $PWD/downloads/nanopolish/
4.2.1 Download reference
mkdir -p $PWD/reference
wget \
-O $PWD/reference/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
wget \
-O $PWD/reference/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta.fai
4.2.2 Download control_panel
mkdir -p $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_panel
wget \
-O $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_panel/hprc_year1_data_freeze_nanopore_minimap2_2_24_merge_control.tar.gz
tar -xvf $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_panel/hprc_year1_data_freeze_nanopore_minimap2_2_24_merge_control.tar.gz -C $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_panel/
4.2.3 Download fastq
mkdir -p $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam
wget \
-O $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam/20210510_210428_21-lee-006_PCT0053_2-A9-D9_guppy-5.0.11-sup-prom_fastq_pass.fastq.gz
4.2.4 Alignment : Takes 24 hours even with qsub
singularity exec $PWD/image/minimap2_v2.22_2.sif sh -c \
"minimap2 -ax map-ont -t 8 -p 0.1 $PWD/reference/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam/20210510_210428_21-lee-006_PCT0053_2-A9-D9_guppy-5.0.11-sup-prom_fastq_pass.fastq.gz \
| samtools view -Shb > $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam/20210510_210428_21-lee-006_PCT0053_2-A9-D9_guppy-5.0.11-sup-prom.unsorted.bam && \
samtools sort -@ 8 -m 2G $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam/20210510_210428_21-lee-006_PCT0053_2-A9-D9_guppy-5.0.11-sup-prom.unsorted.bam \
-o $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam/20210510_210428_21-lee-006_PCT0053_2-A9-D9_guppy-5.0.11-sup-prom.bam && \
samtools index $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam/20210510_210428_21-lee-006_PCT0053_2-A9-D9_guppy-5.0.11-sup-prom.bam"
4.2.5 Make control prefix
mkdir -p $PWD/downloads/nanomonsv/control_prefix
singularity exec $PWD/image/nanomonsv_v0.5.0.sif sh -c \
"nanomonsv parse downloads/nanomonsv/control_bam/20210510_210428_21-lee-006_PCT0053_2-A9-D9_guppy-5.0.11-sup-prom.bam \
4.3.1 Download conrtol_panel and make vcf
This script is based on the GLIMPSE1 tutorial but with slight modifications.
mkdir -p $PWD/downloads/glimpse
for i in {1..22}
wget${i}.filtered.shapeit2-duohmm-phased.vcf.gz \
singularity exec $PWD/image/minimap2_v2.22_2.sif sh -c \
"tabix -p vcf ${PANEL_VCF}"
singularity exec $PWD/image/glimpse_v1.1.1.sif sh -c \
"bcftools norm -m -any ${PANEL_VCF} -Ou --threads 4 | bcftools view -m 2 -M 2 -v snps -s ^NA12878,NA12891,NA12892 --threads 4 -Ob -o ${REFBCF} && \
bcftools index -f ${REFBCF} --threads 4 && \
bcftools norm -m -any ${PANEL_VCF} -Ou --threads 4 | bcftools view -G -m 2 -M 2 -v snps -Oz -o ${REFVCF} && \
bcftools index -f ${REFVCF} --threads 4 && \
bcftools query -f'%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF,%ALT\n' ${REFVCF} | bgzip -c > ${REFTSV} && \
tabix -s1 -b2 -e2 ${REFTSV}"
ASWorkflow is free for academic use only. If you are not a member of a public funded academic and/or education and/or research institution you must obtain a commercial license from National Cancer Center; please email Yuichi Shiraishi ([email protected]).