Use of the Histomorphological Phenotype Learning self-supervised tools to study the response to ICI in Melanoma. This repository is related to the manuscriot titled: "Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Predicts Response to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors." It is provided as is for research purpose and must not be use in clinical practice.
To run the code you need to install DeepPATH and HPL. Both pages include detailed description on the libraries to install as well as the meaning of the options used here.
The code here was developed using the slurm executor on NYU's UltraViolet HPC cluster. The python script is therefore here given with slurm headers appropriate for this cluster as example so they could easily be adapted.
The checkpoints of the trained networks can be downloaded from our public repository.
These steps rely on the commands from DeepPATH. See the original github page for explanations regarding the meaning of the options used here.
Images first need to be tiled and converted to H5. For each datasets, the following commands from DeepPATH was used:
1.a. Tiling:
python DeepPATH_code/00_preprocessing/ -s 896 -e 0 -j 20 -B 40 -M 40 -D 16 -o "896px_40x_B40_Cohort_1" -N '57,22,-8,20,10,5' /path_to_slides_from_cohort1/*svs
1.b. Combine all tiles
python DeepPATH_code/00_preprocessing/ --SourceFolder='896px_40x_B40_Cohort_1' --Magnification=40 --MagDiffAllowed=0 --SortingOption=10 --PatientID=10 --nSplit 0 --Balance=2 --PercentValid=25 --PercentTest=25
These needs to be run for all the cohorts used to train HPL (called cohortsA in the next step; in the manuscript, composed of datasets from Vanderbilt, Yale and the two Checkmates datasets) - Note, that cohort is itself split into a train, validation and test set.
For the additional test set (named cohortB here, and corresponding to the dataset from NYU in the manuscript), the same command with --PercentValid=0 --PercentTest=100
is used instead. The outputs from the train cohorts must be saved (or symlinked) in a single empty folder before conversion to h5. The test set must be in its own sub-folder too.
1.c. Convert to h5 files:
The cohorts used to train HPL are converted to H
mpirun -n 40 python DeepPATH_code/00_preprocessing/ --input_path path_to_output_of_previous_step --output hdf5_cohortsA_he_train.h5 --chunks 40 --sub_chunks 20 --wSize 224 --mode 2 --subset='train'
mpirun -n 40 python DeepPATH_code/00_preprocessing/ --input_path path_to_output_of_previous_step --output hdf5_cohortsA_he_test.h5 --chunks 40 --sub_chunks 20 --wSize 224 --mode 2 --subset='test'
mpirun -n 40 python DeepPATH_code/00_preprocessing/ --input_path path_to_output_of_previous_step --output hdf5_cohortsA_he_validation.h5 --chunks 40 --sub_chunks 20 --wSize 224 --mode 2 --subset='valid'
For the additional test cohort, only the corrsponding 'test' h5 file script needs to be run.
All subsequent steps are related to libraries from the HPL pipeline. Please refer to that page for any description regarding the option and usage of the library, as well requirements regarding file organization and naming schemes. for completeness, in addition to providing the python script and option used, the command pnd files rovided below show example of script headers for submissions on slurm environements.
2.a. Training
2.b. Projection of the whole development cohort (cohortA) and the external test (cohortB) into the trained network
2.c. Combine the h5 files from the development cohort into 1 h5 file for future processing
2.d. Add information about clinical data into the h5 file These labels will only be used for the Cox regression study run at the end, or can contain any information used for other final statistical analysis.
Note: the labels.csv
files contains the clinical data with the following columns:
: patient ID (in our case, the first ~6 characters of the file names)os_event_data
: survival (in months)os_event_ind
: event (1: event; 0: no event)stage
: stage of the tumortreatment
: name of the treatmenttreatment_category
: category or treatment (antiCTLA4 for example)data_source
: name of the source institution
2.e. Leiden clustering
for resolution in 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0
sbatch --job-name=05_cluster_r${resolution} --output=rq_05_cluster_r${resolution}_%A_%a_200k.out --error=rq_05_cluster_r${resolution}_%A_%a_200k.err $resolution
The entry utilities/comb005/fold_creation/comb005_001_all_os_4folds.pkl
was obtained using the HPL fold creation script.
2.f. Identify optimal Leiden resolution to use:
2.g. Generate 100 random tiles from each cluster for visual assessment by pathologists:
2.h. Run Cox regression on all Leiden resolution folds:
- This needs to be run first without then with the
option to explore variability between folds, then with force option to potentially focus on a given fold. - To potentially run the Cox regression on a subset of samples (for example, only the subset linked to anti-CTLA4 treatment), it is sufficient to generate another
file with only the samples of interest listed in the different folds. The external cohort in thenadd
variable will need to be filtered accordingly. - In the
script from HPL, you can modify the sets of leiden resolutions of interest
2.i. Run Cox regression on a given Leiden resolution fold to generate the Kaplan-Meier curve: