An introduction to using the Google Colaboratory notebook environment for instructional and research initiatives.
This repository contains materials originally developed for a virtual session at the NC State University DELTA Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies 2021 delivered on August 6, 2021. Summer Shorts in Instructional Technologies focuses on leveraging innovative NC State learning technologies and strategies to improve student success.
Google Colaboratory: An accessible tool for introducing programming and data science concepts and supporting reproducible research methods
Google Colaboratory, or “Colab” for short, is a computational notebook environment that allows users to run Python code in the browser without having to download or install anything. In this session we will demonstrate how to access and use the Colab interface, how to manage and share notebooks and access data from multiple sources (including connecting to Google Drive), and discuss how Colab can be used as a platform for introducing programming and data science concepts and supporting reproducible research. Following this session, participants will be able to create and share Colab notebooks and understand how Colab can support instructional and research initiatives.
These materials were developed by Scott Bailey, Claire Cahoon, and Walt Gurley at the NC State University Libraries.