Simple, flexible rule engine for the amazing react-jsonschema-form
If you are familiar with react-jsonschema-form and interested in adding some dynamism to the forms, for example, hiding/disabling parts of the form, adding extra options to select, radio buttons, changing data and many more, it's worth a try.
Example + some documentation:
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { JSONSchema6 } from "json-schema"
import RuledJsonSchemaForm, { FormRule } from 'ruled-jsonschema-form'
* Defining schema
const schema = {
type: "object",
title: "Personal details",
properties: {
name: {
type: "string",
title: "Name"
gender: {
type: "string",
title: "Gender",
enum: ["male", "female"]
} as JSONSchema6
* Defining ui schema with form rules
* A form rule is an object containing the following properties:
* - desc (string, optional): short description of the rule
* - if (string): expression must be evaluated to boolean
* - then (string): expression, runs when the above is true
* - else (string, optional): expression, runs otherwise
* - active (boolean): flags the rule as active or inactive
* The following values can be used in the scope of the expressions (if, then, else) - check the doc of react-jsonschema-form for the details
* - formContext (object): "global" form property can hold anything
* - schema (object): schema of the actually processed node
* - uiSchema (object): ui schema of the actually processed node
* - idSchema (object): id schema of the actually processed node
* - data (object): form data of the actually processed node
* - arrayUiSchema (object) - in case of the processed item is an array element, the array's uiSchema is offered here
const uiSchema = {
name: {
"ui:placeholder": "hint: type 'other' to see other options"
age: {
"ui:options": {
formRules: [
if: "data && && ( == 'other')",
then: " = ['male', 'female', 'other']",
else: " = ['male', 'female']",
active: true
* Setup the form as a usual react-jsonschema-form
const App: React.FC = () => {
const [formData, setFormData] = useState({
name: "",
hobbies: [""]
const onChange = (params: any) => {
return (
Check the source or the online demo for more details