Using pip, install the following packages:
- pymongo
- flask
Visit, sign up for a free account
- Navigate to your dashboard and find your API access key
- Copy and paste your key into the text file named "ipstack_geolocation_key.txt" inside the API folder
Visit, sign up for a free account
- Click on the API tab and click on the subscibe button under the "Current weather data" option
- In the free column, click on "Get API key and Start"
- An email will be sent with your API key called an "APPID"
- Copy and paste your key into the text file named "openweathermap_key.txt"
Visit, sign up for a free account
- Create a new cluster
- Create a new database called "Dashboard"
- Create a new collection in your database called "Dashboard" as well
- Go back to your clusters and click on the "Connect" button for your newly created database
- Click the option called "Connect using MongoDB Compass"
- Do not worry about any options and copy the MongoDB Compass connection string
- The string should start with look something like: "mongodb+srv://:@dashboard..."
- You need to replace and with your username and password respectively. The username field may be already filled out
- Copy and paste your connection string with your filled in credentials into the text file named "mongo_connection_string.txt"
Visit, and follow the step provided
- The file mentioned in the instructions are provided in the repo, however, the file may be outdated so be sure to check with the website for any changes
- If the script ran successfully, a token.pickle file should be created in the directory
Before starting the dashboard, run the script to setup your database structure
- Run the file then the file
- The dashboard should now be running on your http://localhost/