Fetch CyanogenMod cm-11.0 branch
$ mkdir ~/radxarock $ cd ~/radxarock $ repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-11.0
Create repo local_manifests
$ cd .repo $ mkdir local_manifests $ curl https://github.com/jungleji/android_device_rockchip_radxarock/raw/radxarock-cm-11.0/local_manifests/radxarock.xml -o local_manifests/radxarock.xml
Sync code
$ cd ~/radxarock $ repo sync
Get CyanogenMod prebuilts
$ cd vendor/cm $ ./get-prebuilts
Prepare kernel
$ cd ~/radxarock/kernel $ ARCH=arm make rk3188_radxa_rock_kitkat_defconfig $ make -j10 kernel.img
Run envsetup
$ cd ~/radxarock $ . build/envsetup.sh $ breakfast cm_radxarock-eng
Create image
$ cd ~/radxarock $ mka $ ./mkimage.sh ota
- Recovery
The recovery in this poring comes from Rockchip SDK. It's not CWM recovery. So, you must use Rockchip tools to flash the update.img to nand.
Because the cm-11.0 branch of CyanogenMod is under active developing, sometime after syncing, you will encounter compiling errors.
If the errors are caused by android API update, you can run make update-api
updating the api located in frameworks/base/api/current.txt.
If you have any questions about this porting, please send mail to [email protected]