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A project documenting the code standards used by the Nether projects.

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Nether [ˈne-thər]


Located toward the bottom or more distant part of something. -- Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Nether Standards Project

Known as Nether Notation, NN, N2, or N2

This is a project to document the code conventions used by the Nether Project. A lot of the rules here are based on the concept of being explicit. The developer will always explictly state their intentions, never allowing for default behaviours. This is for a few reasons. First being it shows that the developer has actually thought about what their code is doing. Second, it helps lessen backwards compatbility issues in the future when a default behaviour changes. And yes, it does happen. Third, the entire format and rules are based on the concept that the code can be as self documenting as possible to minimise the amount of metadata needed to describe various entities. And Finally, it helps minimise the amount of eye tracking from the extreme left right over and over which I find helpful suffering from vision floaters.

Automated Formatting

[2025-01] Something changed in PHPCS recently that broke some of my tests and it made me so mad that I ended up hacking PHPCS to work like it used to. Considering how absolutely insane PHPCS is to seek around presently trying to decide if I want to stick with it or just build my own tool based on newer tokeniser features.

This repository contains a phpcs standard for testing and automated reformatting of source to fit the standard. For instructions on installation and automated testing against this standard please refer to the Wiki page:

General Standards

  • PascalCaseAllTheThings except:
    • UPPERCASE for boolean/trulean constants (TRUE, FALSE) and NULL.
    • lowercase for core types (int, float, etc...)
  • Tabs for indenting.
  • \n for new lines.
  • initialize variables in scopes prior to use.
  • explicit "return" at end of functions.
  • design for strict types in mind.
  • attempt to keep lines shorter than 80 characters.
  • prefer single quotes when not using string evaluation.
  • anything that can have a type, should have a type.
  • no derp commas (trailing commas at the end of arrays, etc).

Inline Documentation.

All symbol documentation is done with Nether Senpai format documentation. Unlike typical docblocks, these come after the symbol they define on the same indention level. Senpai blocks are opened with /*// and closed with //*/ - more on the documentation when I finish writing this document and start writing that one.

Nether Senpai generates as much documentation from the code itself before noticing the comment that describes it. This reduces the amount of junk you need to manually write in the documentation. Taking advantage of featured added in PHP 7.0+ 7.1 most code can be completely self document itself.

NN will use Senpai notation until the day PHP has real annotation support that is not via the slow Reflection system you do not want to use within a production project.

This means a typical method will look like this:


class Project {

	public function
	DoSomething(int $Count):
	void {
	this method does something. we do not know exactly because this example
	is not important enough to fill with an implementation.

		$Cur = 0;
		while($Cur < $Count) {
			// ...



And when code folded in an editor like Sublime Text....


class Project {

	public function
	DoSomething(int $Count):
	void {
	this method does something. we do not know exactly because this example
	is not important enough to fill with an implementation.
	//*/ [...]


Logical Control Blocks

Statements like IF or WHERE may be written with or without their braces that denote the block of code. It is your choice. Nether code prefers omitting the braces when the control block is super simple. When omitting the braces it is preferred that the code remains on the same indention level as the control structure. When braces are included, the opening brace will come after the control structure, and the code within indented to the next level. Structures with omitted braces will be isolated by empty lines.

A WHILE with omitted braces.


$List = [];

while($Row = $Query->Next())
$List[] = $Row;

A WHILE with braces.


$List = [];
while($Row = $Query->Next()) {
	$Row->Cached = FALSE;
	$List[] = $Row;

Argument Lists and Array Definitions

If a call to a function or method requires multiple arguments, and that list may get lengthy or hard to read, arguments will be defined on new lines on the next level of indention.



The same rules apply when defining an array with data, with the added feature that it is preferable to align the delimiters via extra space characters to pad the alignment. The alignment should match the longest element in that definition.


$Dataset = [
	'Something' => 1,
	'Else'      => 2,
	'MoreData'  => 3

If items in the array are being grouped during their definition it is acceptable to have multiple levels of padding unique to each group.


$Dataset = [
	// these are the main system options.
	'Something' => 1,
	'Else'      => 2,
	'MoreData'  => 3,

	// mostly optional for whatever.
	'Four' => 4,
	'Five' => 5,
	'Six'  => 6


If a string DOES NOT require data evaluation then single quotes will be used. If a string DOES require data evaluation then double quotes may be used, if the resulting string will not cause the line length to get unwieldy. The preferred method for building or concatinating long strings is via the sprintf function.


$Straight = 'some straight string without eval';
$Evaluated = "not {$Straight}";

$PageURL = sprintf(

Even in simple cases, the overhead of sprintf is is preferred for readability when indecisive. Both evaluation and sprintf is acceptable so it is left to the author to determine the best choice based on what the code needs to do.


$String = "User: {$Name}";
$String = sprintf('User: %s',$Name);

However, anytime it is needed to do something like call a method to build a string then the sprintf is the only acceptable choice.


$String = sprintf(
	'User: %s',

Literal concationation with the dot operator is not considered acceptable in any situation.


$String = 'User: ' . $Name; // no.

Files and Class Autoloading

Each class will be in its own file. The fully qualified name of the class including the namespace will match the file path on disk. This allows use of either PSR-0 or PSR-4 style autoloading. File names are case sensitive and should match the namespace and class definition exactly.

  • File: Nether/OneScript/Project.php
  • Defines: Nether\OneScript\Project

Namespace and Class definitions.

Everything shall be namespaced. Namespace use declarations should be grouped with the namespace definition, while Class use declarations should be grouped separately a line away. Followed by the class definition provided by the file. Classes will be defined in PascalCase. Extension and Implementations will be described nether. Opening braces will be on the last line of the definition.


namespace Nether\OneScript;
use ThirdParty1;
use ThirdParty2;

use ThirdParty3\Somespace\SomeClass;
use ThirdParty3\Filterspace\SomeInterface;

class Project
extends SomeClass
implements SomeInterface {
	// ...

It is to be avoided using preceeding backslashes in main executing code to demote pulling from the root namespace PHP. Instead it is preferred to set up use statements accordingly for the access required.

Aliases bound with use should only contain one reference per use.


namespace MyApp\Subspace;
use Nether;

To provide access to the Nether namespace without having to include the \ each time access a class in the Nether namespace is needed.

Method Definitions.

Methods will be defined in PascalCase. The method name itself will be defined nether to the access keywords. Opening braces will be after the method identifier. Methods will always have an access keyword. If the access keyword was going to be omitted, then it will be unomitted with the keyword public.

Methods shall be declared as explicit as possible. Their arguments should have their accepted types declared as well as the return type of the method. The return type shall be placed nether the method with the opening brace after.

Methods which return nothing, as in not an explicit NULL, will have their type declared as Void. Void methods and functions will not "just end", they will include explicit return when they are done. Nullable Types are encouraged where they could make an API more simple to check result against.


class Project {

	public function
	void {
		// ...

	static public function
	GetFromFile(string $Filename):
	string {
		// ...
		return $Contents;


Methods with Variable or Optional Arguments

If a method will take a lot of arguments, or has a handful of optional ones, it is preferable that instead of a long argument list that that method accept an object or array instead. Something like Nether\Object can be used to help ensure population for optional arguments with enforced defaults. This eliminates the constant nagging feeling of having forgot what order the arguments should be presented in as long as you can recall what it needs.


class Project {

	public function
	Search(array|object $Input=NULL):
	SearchResult {
	@argv object Input
	@argv array Input

		$Input = new Nether\Object($Input,[
			'Query' => NULL,
			'Page'  => 1,
			'Limit' => 25,
			'Owner' => NULL

		// ...

		return $Result;


Method Reduction of Concerns

The this naming convention would not be used if the split methods are to be reusable by many different processes. This section is mainly for separation of concerns where the separated actions are useless on their own.

To split a long method into smaller units of code, reduced concern methods shall be prefixed with the method name they are designed to work with, with the descriptive action being separated by a netherscore in the method name.


class Project {

	public function
	GetFileContents(string $Filename) {
	@return ?StdClass
	given a filename return the object built from the contents of that file.

		$Data = NULL;
		$Obj = NULL;
		$Error = NULL;

		try {
			$Data = $this->GetFileContents_ReadFile($Filename);
			$Obj = $this->GetFileContents_ParseData($Data);

		catch(Exception $Error) {
			// log error or something.
			return NULL;

		return $Obj;

	protected function
	GetFileContents_ReadFile(string $Filename):
	string {
	check that the file is readable from the filesystem.

		if(!file_exists($Filename) || !is_readable($Filename)
		throw new Exception("{$Filename} not found or unreadable.");

		return file_get_contents($Filename);

	protected function
	GetFileContents_ParseData(string $Data):
	StdClass {
	check that the file was parsable.

		$Obj = json_decode($Data);

		throw new Exception("Unable to parse data.");

		return $Obj;


Method Chaining

When using chained methods and the line may potentially become unwieldy, then each link in the chain will be placed on a new line at the same indention level as the symbol the chain originates from. Calls like this will be isolated by empty lines above and below them.


$DB = new Nether\Database;
$Query = NULL;

($Query = $DB->NewVerse())

$Result = $DB->Query($Query,$Input);

It is preferred that you convey context awareness when chaining. In the above example all chained methods return the original object. Chaining should stop when the object returned is not the same object. The parens that wrap the first line of that query chain convey understanding by the authour of the context of this chain. This is the object, the following chain follows.

Variable Scope Initialization.

While not required by PHP variables will be declared prior to later use at the beginning of their parent scopes - meaning all variables are to be be declared at the top of functions and methods and not invented in the middle of logic. If their value cannot be detemrined at declaration time, then they should be initialized as NULL until then.

This includes, and even specifically is targeting, any variables that would normally be invented on the fly in for or foreach loops, catch, etc.


class Project {

	public function
	int {

		$Output = 0;
		$Child = NULL;

		foreach($this->TotallyAnArrayProperty as $Child) {
			if($Child->TotallyAnBoolProperty === TRUE)

		return $Output;


HTML Templating

When working within the scope of an HTML template file, code structures will be written using their Alternative Syntax. Short tag echo will not be used.

<?php if($Stuff): ?>
<h1><a href="<?php echo $URL ?>"><?php echo $Title ?></a></h1>
<?php endif; ?>



  • It has been decided to reverse a decision about the casing of built in core types (int, float, etc) such that they should not be PascalCased anymore. All other PascalCase rules still apply elsewhere.
public function AddTwo(Int $Input): Int;

public function AddTwo(int $Input): int;


  • It has been decided the rule surrounding namespace/class use calls should no longer be followed. It is now preferred that use calls are only single line and without any leading slashing.
\Nether as Nether,
\Local as Local;

use Nether;
use Local;


  • Add rule that denies derp commas in arrays and function argument lists


A project documenting the code standards used by the Nether projects.






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