SitecoreExtension for adding DynamicKeyPlaceholders allowing for a spot with placeholder to be added multiple times to a page.
Appends the rendering Unique Id to the Placeholder id for allowing a unique reference for the page renderings to attach on, default implementation only allows for a single Placeholder ID to be present on a page at one time. The extension is hidden to the ediors.
Based on prior work that turned out to be the same solution that Nick Wesselman blogged about at
Now available on nuget and github.
1508 / Design in Love with Technology /
- Sitecore 6.x
Install via nuget
PM> Install-Package SitecoreExtension.DynamicKeyPlaceholder
Use the Control DynamicKeyPlaceholder instead of a Sitecore Placeholder control.
To get DynamicKeyPlaceholders to work inside of ListViews, you also have to manually change /sitecore/shell/Applications/Page Modes/ChromeTypes/PlaceholderChromeType.js on line 34 from:
addControlResponse: function(id, openProperties, ds) {
var options = Sitecore.PageModes.ChromeTypes.Placeholder.getDefaultAjaxOptions("insert");
options.context = this; = id; = this.placeholderKey();
addControlResponse: function (id, openProperties, ds) {
var phkey = this.placeholderKey();
var options = Sitecore.PageModes.ChromeTypes.Placeholder.getDefaultAjaxOptions("insert");
options.context = this; = id;
if (phkey.match(/{{.*}}/ig)) { = phkey.substring(phkey.lastIndexOf("/"));
} else { = phkey;
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="SpotsContainer.ascx.cs" Inherits="Web.UI.SpotsContainer" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="sce" Namespace="SitecoreExtension.DynamicKeyPlaceholder.Controls" Assembly="SitecoreExtension.DynamicKeyPlaceholder" %>
<div class="container container-wide">
<div class="container-inner">
<div class="spots">
<sce:DynamicKeyPlaceholder runat="server" ID="SpotsPlaceholder" Key="SpotsPlaceholder" editable="true" />
Once content is added into the dynamic placeholders the rendering is bound the the placeholderid combined with the unique rendering id, meaning that removing a spot with the dynamic placeholder and adding it again will create a new unique id and therefore will leave the other renderings orphans in the layout information and the user must re-add the renderings. This is sound and expected behavior :)