Releases: neutrons/data_workflow
Releases · neutrons/data_workflow
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 3.2.4...3.2.5
What's Changed
- Temporary change: list only runs from the last .5 hours by @hetrickjm in #216
- Switch from querying separately for each run to all at the same time when determining run status text by @rosswhitfield in #217
New Contributors
- @hetrickjm made their first contribution in #216
Full Changelog: 3.2.3...3.2.4
Merge pull request #215 from neutrons/last_runs_2hrs Temporary change: list only runs from the last 2 hours
Merge pull request #214 from neutrons/revert_psycopg2_to_psycopg Revert "Move from psycopg 2 to 3"
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 3.2.0...3.2.1
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Django 4.2 by @rosswhitfield in #208
- Adjust REF_M reduction configuration form layout by @backmari in #209
Full Changelog: 3.1.4...3.2.0
Adjust REF_M reduction configuration form layout (#209)
What's Changed
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #161
- Add systemtest for livedata/postprocessing interaction by @rosswhitfield in #167
- Set LIVE_PLOT_SECRET_KEY in settings from environment by @rosswhitfield in #168
- REF_M: Add the capability to autoreduce two samples from the same run by @jmborr in #166
- Adapt to Docker Compose v2 by @jmborr in #171
- added presentations by @jmborr in #172
- update one of the presentations by @jmborr in #173
- Update postprocessing agent to v3.3 by @backmari in #175
- Introduce webmonchow by @jmborr in #176
- Remove catalog_process from the workflow graph by @jmborr in #177
- Remove Dockerfile.autoreducer.himem and update configurations by @jmborr in #179
- Update dependency graph by @jmborr in #180
- System test for post-processing agent memory monitoring by @backmari in #178
- Developer documentation for communication flow by @backmari in #174
- Show the last workflow RunStatus that a autoreducer node has sent by @rosswhitfield in #181
- Add acquiring status for before data is ready by @rosswhitfield in #182
- Update how datetime format is set and used by @rosswhitfield in #184
- Publish version tag also for next and qa by @backmari in #185
- Fix syntax error in GitHub workflow by @backmari in #187
- Fix wrong run title shown by @rosswhitfield in #188
- Add new endpoint /metrics with relevant system monitoring metrics by @rosswhitfield in #186
- Developer docs: replace diagram with table for inter-service communication by @backmari in #183
- Advance the postprocessing agent version number by @backmari in #190
- Increase task_class input validation and log messages by @backmari in #191
- Rename 'sample' to 'peak' in auto-reduction code by @jmborr in #192
- Remove redundant conda package build (replaced by python-build) by @backmari in #193
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #170
- Remove ldap_cert_file mentions by @delozierjk in #189
- Remove link to webref from run page by @backmari in #195
- Remove now unused CATALOG_ID and CATALOG_SECRET by @rosswhitfield in #197
- Switch ActiveMQ from classic to artemis by @rosswhitfield in #196
- Remove unneeded static files finder by @rosswhitfield in #198
- Fix the urlpatterns for the metrics app to address warnings by @rosswhitfield in #199
- Fix warnings coming from models by @rosswhitfield in #200
- Add glossary to documentation by @backmari in #202
- Add Artemis Data Collector and display queue lengths by @rosswhitfield in #203
- Advance Post-Processing Agent to v3.3.4 by @backmari in #204
- Add missing build dependency by @backmari in #205
New Contributors
- @delozierjk made their first contribution in #189
Full Changelog: 3.1.3...3.1.4
Merge pull request #165 from neutrons/backmari-patch-1 Update Django model dasmon_statusvariable id field to bigint