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This project comes from some scattered works I did while working on Wpf development, and is a supplement to existing Mvvm frameworks. They don't solve any major problems, they just provide some syntactic sugar and let people write a few lines of code less. Its services are not limited to Wpf development, other similar Xaml frameworks, such as Uwp, Maui, etc. should also be able to use, but I has never tested on other frameworks.

The project is structured as follows:

  • WpfExtensions.Xaml:A number of MarkupExtensions are provided to simplify Xaml development.
  • WpfExtensions.Binding:To simplify the code for property dependency updates, a function similar to the one in Vue.js for computed-property is provided.
  • WpfExtensions.Infrastructure:Some scattered features, when the time is ripe, will be separated out and released as separate modules.


Package NuGet
WpfExtensions.Xaml version
WpfExtensions.Binding version

1. WpfExtensions.Binding

This module is designed to solve the problem of property update dependency, which is often encountered in development: the value of a property is calculated from multiple other property, then when these dependent properties changed, the resultant property also needs to notify the UI to update. For example: RectArea = Width * Height, all three properties in this formula need to be bound to the UI, and the display of the RectArea will be automatically refreshed when Width and Height are changed.

To achieve this effect, the traditional implementation is as follows, and it's not hard to find: it's quite a pain to write, and each dependent property has to add a line of code to notify the result property to refresh.

// View Model
public double Width {
    get => field;
    set {
        if (SetProperty(ref field, value)) {

public double Height {
    get => field;
    set {
        if (SetProperty(ref field, value)) {

public double RectArea => Width * Height;

So after using WpfExtensions.Binding, can it be shorter?

// View Model is derived from WpfExtensions.Binding.BindableBase.
public double Width {
    get => field;
    set => SetProperty(ref field, value);

public double Height {
    get => field;
    set => SetProperty(ref field, value);

public double RectArea => Computed(() => Width * Height);

Perhaps this example is too simple. If the same property affects multiple results, then multiple result properties have to be raised in that property. Such an intricate update dependency is not easy to maintain.

2. WpfExtensions.Xaml

0. *New CommandExtension

  • View (XAML):
<Element Command={markup:Command Execute} />
<Element Command={markup:Command ExecuteWithArgumentAsync, CanExecute}
         CommandParameter={Binding Argument} />
  • View Model (*.cs):
class ViewModel
    public void Execute() {}

    public void ExecuteWithArgument(string arg) {}

    // The `Execute` method supports async, and its default `Can Execute` method will disable the command when it is busy.

    public Task ExecuteAsync() => Task.Completed;

    public Task ExecuteWithArgumentAsync(string arg) => Task.Completed;

    // The `Can Execute` method does not support async.

    public bool CanExecute() => true;

    public bool CanExecuteWithArgument(string arg) => true;

1. ComposeExtension

Combine multiple Converters into one pipeline.

<TextBlock Visibility="{Binding DescriptionText, Converter={markup:Compose
                       {StaticResource IsNullOrEmptyOperator},
                       {StaticResource NotConverter},
                       {StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}}"
           Text="{Binding DescriptionText}" />

2. IfExtension

Using the Conditional expression in XAML.

<Button Command="{markup:If {Binding BoolProperty},
                            {Binding OkCommand},
                            {Binding CancelCommand}}" />
    <markup:If Condition="{Binding IsLoading}">
            <views:LoadingView />
            <views:LoadedView />

3. SwitchExtension

Using the Switch expression in XAML.

<Image Source="{markup:Switch {Binding FileType},
                              {Case {x:Static res:FileType.Music}, {StaticResource MusicIcon}},
                              {Case {x:Static res:FileType.Video}, {StaticResource VideoIcon}},
                              {Case {x:Static res:FileType.Picture}, {StaticResource PictureIcon}},
                              {Case {StaticResource UnknownFileIcon}}}" />
    <Switch To="{Binding SelectedViewName}">
        <Case Label="View1">
            <views:View1 />
        <Case Label="{x:Static res:Views.View2}">
            <views:View2 />
            <views:View404 />

4. I18nExtension

Dynamically switch the culture resource without restarting the app.

<TextBlock Text="{markup:I18n {x:Static languages:UiStrings.MainWindow_Title}}" />
<TextBlock Text="{markup:I18nString {x:Static languages:UiStrings.SayHello}, {Binding Username}}" />
<TextBlock Text="{markup:I18nString {x:Static languages:UiStrings.StringFormat},
                                    {Binding Arg0},
                                    {Binding Arg1},
                                    {Binding Arg15}}" />

5. StylesExtension (In Progress)

<Button Style="{markup:Styles {StaticResource FlatButtonStyle},
                              {StaticResource AnimationStyle},
                              ...}" />


Some syntactic sugar for Wpf development.







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