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Concept Overview

mapoart edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 32 revisions

Compile and Run Program

50 programming languages implemented.

Compile, execute programs from 50 programming languages easy and fast

This will install the compiler and run your program. nexss myprogram.php or nexss myprogram.js # nexss myprogram.[language extension]

nexss # This will download compiler (if not installed) and run rust program
nexss # The same just for java
... # And this is for almost 50 programming languages

Use Error Solution Engine to speed up your learning and producing process..

Nexss Programmer allows you to configure solutions for the languages, so when error appears solution is automatically displayed with the error so you can fix it immediatelly.


more here: Nexss Programmer - Errors Solutions

Switch between language versions


nexss lua default compiler lua51 # for lua 5.1
nexss lua default compiler lua53 # for lua 5.3
nexss py default compiler python2 # for Python 2
nexss py default compiler python3 # for Python 3
nexss py default compiler blender # for Blender
nexss py default compiler Gimp

Learn and produce from predefined templates for each programming language

nexss file add myprogram.js

Nexss Programmer Select Template

more about: Files

Combine many languages with Nexss Programmer Project

more about: Nexss Programmer Projects

nexss project new My Project
nexss file add myfile.js # Then select Default or HelloWorld template
nexss file add myfile.r # The same Default or HelloWorld
nexss file add myfile.lua # The same here for the template
nexss start # will run the programs in sequence so each program can modify data and pass to another one

Below image shows concept of sequences by passing file by file (JSON). Data is passed as JSON (Default format).

Default.[lang extension] and HelloWorld.[lang extension] templates are the base for your new templates/files for JSON data.

nexss Nexss/PackageBrowser

Nexss Programmer Sequence

Use already created packages/commands etc

Nexss contains packages folder which are nexss programmer commands/projects. If you wish create another command for nexss language or programs create new project anywere in the packages folder. (./nexss/packages/).

Let say you created folder @dev like: c:/Users/yourusername/.nexss/packages/@dev/ You can create there projects and it will be accessable from nexss programs and projects.

Nexss Language

Mouse/Move --x=1 --y=2
@dev/MyModule --some=data

Nexss Project

  - name: Id
  - name: Mouse/Move --x=1 --y=2
  - name: @dev/MyModule --some=data
  - name: @dev/AnotherCustomModule
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