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vCard plugin for Craft CMS

vCard generator plugin for Craft


To install vCard, follow these steps:

  1. Download & unzip the file and place the vcard directory into your craft/plugins directory
  2. -OR- do a git clone directly into your craft/plugins folder. You can then update it with git pull
  3. Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins
  4. The plugin folder should be named vcard for Craft to see it. GitHub recently started appending -master (the branch name) to the name of the folder for zip file downloads.

vCard works on Craft 2.4.x and Craft 2.5.x.

vCard Overview

This plugin generates a link to download a vCard from data you specify

Configuring vCard

There is only one setting for this plugin which is salt this is a string used for salting the encoded data when generating the vCard link.

This is set randomly when the plugin is installed but can be changed to whatever you like.

Using vCard

The only thing that is really required is first name. Everything else is optional


There is a link variable available for usage in templates

{% set options = {
	firstName: "Johnny",
	lastName: "Appleseed",
	additional: "Jim",
	prefix: "Mr",
	suffix: "Esq",
	company: "Apple Inc.",
	jobTitle: "Data Demo",
	email: [{ address: "[email protected]", type: "WORK" }, "[email protected]"],
	url: "",
	phoneNumber: ["+1 234 567 89", { number: "+9 876 543 21"}],
	photo: "",
	address: [{
			name: "Apple",
			extended: "Suite 1",
			street: "1 Infinte Loop",
			city: "Cupertino",
			region: "CA",
			zip: "95014",
			country: "USA",
			street: "1 Yemen Road",
			zip: "1234",
			country: "Yemen",
			type: "HOME;POSTAL"
	note: "Hi there",
} %}

<a href="{{ }}">Download my vCard</a>


Name Type Example
firstName String Johnny
lastName String Appleseed
additional String Jim (commonly a middle name)
prefix String Mr
suffix String Esq
company String Apple Inc
jobTitle String Demo Data Guru
email String | Array See email docs
url String | Array See url docs
address String | Array See address docs
phoneNumber String | Array See phoneNumber docs
birthday String 1985-10-26 (YYYY-MM-DD format)
note String Johnny is amazing
photo String (Url to image)


This can be specified as either a string [email protected] or an array (or even a mix!)

Name Type Example
address String [email protected]
type String type may be PREF
	email: {
		address: "[email protected]",
		type: "WORK"

	// For multiple email addresses
	email: [{
			address: "[email protected]",
			type: "WORK"
			address: "[email protected]",
			type: "PREF;HOME"

	// Mix and match example
	email: ["[email protected]", {
			address: "[email protected]",
			type: "PREF;HOME"


This can be specified as either a string or an array (or even a mix!)

Name Type Example
address String
type String type may be WORK
	url: {
		address: "",
		type: "WORK"

	// For multiple urls
	url: [{
			address: "",
			type: "WORK"
			address: "",
			type: "HOME"

	// Mix and match example
	url: ["", {
			address: "",
			type: "HOME"


This can be specified as either a string +1 234 567 89 or an array (or even a mix!)

Name Type Example
number String +1 234 567 89
type String Type may be PREF
	phoneNumber: {
		number: "+1 234 567 89",

	// For multiple phoneNumbers
	phoneNumber: [{
			number: "+1 234 567 89",
			type: "WORK"
			number: "+9 876 543 21",
			type: "PREF;HOME"

	// Mix and match example
	phoneNumber: ["+1 234 567 89", {
			number: "+9 876 543 21",
			type: "HOME"


This can be either a single or multi array

Name Type Example
name String Apple
extended String Suite 1
street String 1 Infinte Loop
city String Cupertino
region String CA
zip String 95014
country String USA
type String type may be DOM
	address: {
		name: "Apple",
		extended: "Suite 1",
		street: "1 Infinte Loop",
		city: "Cupertino",
		region: "CA",
		zip: "95014",
		country: "USA",

	// For multiple addresses
	address: [{
			name: "Apple",
			extended: "Suite 1",
			street: "1 Infinte Loop",
			city: "Cupertino",
			region: "CA",
			zip: "95014",
			country: "USA",
			street: "1 Yemen Road",
			zip: "1234",
			country: "Yemen",
			type: "HOME;POSTAL"


  • Clean up / refactor code to tidy code that was done quickly

vCard Changelog

1.0.1 -- 2016.02.23

  • Fixed: Issue with vcard controller links creating 404s

1.0.0 -- 2016.02.16

  • Initial release

Brought to you by nfourtythree (

Thanks to