This is a simple find and replace utility for DOCX files. Simple way to take a DOCX template, map some variables, and save a new copy.
Via Composer
$ composer require nguyenhiep/docxfindandreplace
In your DOCX template you will need to wrap any variables you would like to replace with curly braces (e.g. firstname
). You can use regex expressions as key
\Nguyenhiep\DocxFindAndReplace\Docx::create(__DIR__ . "/template.docx")->replace(
"firstname" => "nguyen",
"lastname" => "hiep",
"/[-0-9a-zA-Z.+_]+@[-0-9a-zA-Z.+_]+.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}/" => "[email protected]"
)->save(__DIR__ . '/newfile.docx');