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📅 ⌚ Python ISO 8601 date time parser and data model/manipulation utilities


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Python ISO 8601 full-specification parser and data model/manipulation utilities. Intended to be used in a similar way to Python's datetime module.

ISO 8601 Primer

ISO 8601 is an international standard for writing down date/time information.

It is the correct, internationally-friendly, computer-sortable way to numerically represent date/time information.

Good reading material:

Reference material:

This primer covers some commonly used aspects of the standard.

Dates and times

How do I write the year, month-of-year, and day-of-month down?

Syntax Example
CCYYMMDD 20151231
CCYY-MM-DD 2015-12-31

How about writing down the year, week-of-year, and day-of-week?

Syntax Example
CCYYWwwD 2015W534
CCYY-Www-D 2015-W53-4

How about writing down the year and day-of-year?

Syntax Example
CCYYDDD 2015365
CCYY-DDD 2015-365

How do I write just the year?

Either: CCYY or +XCCYY

+X stands for a plus or minus sign (+ or -), followed by a fixed, agreed number of expanded year digits (X). For example, if we agree to have 2 expanded year digits, we can represent years from -999999 to +999999 (1000000 BC to 999999 AD). Note that 1 BC is the year 0 in the proleptic Gregorian calendar used by ISO 8601.

For example, you can write the year 1995 AD as: 1995 or +001995 (using 2 expanded year digits).

Note: writing just the year where you mean a proper date implies Day 1 of Month 1 in that year - 1995 implies 1995-01 => 1995-01-01 => 1995-01-01T00 => 1995-01-01T00:00 => 1995-01-01T00:00:00.

How do I write just the year and month-of-year?

Either: CCYY-MM or +XCCYY-MM (+ standing in here for a + or - sign)

(not allowed: CCYYMM or +XCCYYMM).

How do I write dates past the year 9999 and before 0000?

Syntax Example (2 expanded year digits)
+XCCYYMMDD +0020151231
+XCCYY-MM-DD +002015-12-31
+XCCYYWwwD +002015W534
+XCCYY-Www-D +002015-W53-4
+XCCYYDDD +002015365
+XCCYY-DDD +002015-365

How do I write down time information by itself?

Syntax Example
hhmmss 083000
hhmm 0830
hh:mm:ss 17:45:01
hh:mm 17:45
hh 08

How do I write down time information at a date in ISO 8601?

Write the time after the date, separated with a T:

Syntax Example
CCYYMMDDThhmmss 20151231T063101
CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss 2015-12-31T06:31:01
CCYYWwwDThhmmss 2015W534T063101
CCYY-Www-DThh:mm:ss 2015-W53-4T06:31:01
CCYYDDDThhmmss 2015365T063101
CCYY-DDDThh:mm:ss 2015-365T06:31:01

What about just the hour and minute at a date?

Syntax Example
CCYYWwwDThhmm 2015W534T0631
CCYY-Www-DThh:mm 2015-W53-4T06:31

What about just the hour at a date?

Syntax Example
CCYYMMDDThh 20151231T06
CCYY-MM-DDThh 2015-12-31T06

What about decimal parts of the hour or minute or second?

Use a comma or period to delimit the decimal part, and don't include any smaller units:

Syntax Example
CCYYMMDDThh,ii 20151231T06,5
CCYYMMDDThh.ii 20151231T06.5
CCYYMMDDThhmm,nn 20151231T0631,3333
CCYYMMDDThhmm.nn 20151231T0631.3333
CCYYMMDDThhmmss,tt 20151231T063101,25671 20151231T063101.25671

How do I specify a time zone?

If the time zone is UTC, use "Z" - otherwise, use a numeric representation of the hours and minutes difference from UTC.

Note that this difference is (TIMEZONE - UTC) - so longitudes east of 0 tend to have positive differences, and west of 0 usually have negative differences.

Syntax Example
CCYYMMDDThhmmssZ 20151231T063101Z
CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ 2015-12-31T06:31:01Z
CCYYMMDDThhmmss-hh 20151231T013101-05
CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh 2015-12-31T01:31:01-05
CCYYMMDDThhmmss+hh 20151231T083101+02
CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh 2015-12-31T08:31:01+02
CCYYMMDDThhmmss-hhmm 20151230T203101-1000
CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-hh:mm 2015-12-30T20:31:01-10:00
CCYYMMDDThhmmss+hhmm 20151231T193101+1300
CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+hh:mm 2015-12-31T19:31:01+13:00


How do I write down a certain period of time in X units?

A "P" followed by the number of units (optionally including a decimal part) followed by a designator to mark the units:

Unit type Unit designator
years Y
months M
weeks W
days D
hours H
minutes M
seconds S

If the unit is one of hours, minutes, or seconds, you need a leading "T" to delimit time from date:

Syntax Example Meaning
PnY P2Y 2 years
Pn,oY P5,5Y 5 and a half years
Pn.oY P5.5Y 5 and a half years
PTnM PT7M 7 minutes (note the 'T')
PnM P10M 10 months
PnDTnH P5DT6H 5 days and 6 hours
PnW P2W 2 weeks

Combining any other unit with weeks is not allowed.

A supplementary format (which has to be agreed in advance) is to specify a date-time-like duration (PCCYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) where the numbers given for years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds are used literally (P1995-00-00T00:10:00 = P1995YT10M).

Recurring date-time series

1 - Recur with a duration given by the difference between a start date

and a subsequent date, starting at the start date

Example Syntax Example Meaning
R/CCYY/CCYY R/2010/2014 Repeat every 4 years, starting at 2010-01-01.
R/CCYY-MM/CCYY-DDD R/2010-01/2012-045 Repeat every 2 years and 44 days, starting at 2010-01-01
R5/CCYY-Www-D/CCYY-Www-D R/2015-W05-2/2015-W07-3 Repeat every 2 weeks and 1 day, five times, starting at 2015-W05-2

2 - Recur with a given duration, starting at a context date-time

(You have to supply the context somewhere else)

Example Syntax Example Meaning
R/PnMnDTnM R/P10M3DT45M Repeat every 10 months, 3 days, and 45 minutes from a context start date-time.
Rn/PnY R2/P4Y Repeat every 4 years, for a total of 2 times, from a context start date-time.

3 - Recur with a given duration starting at a particular date-time

Example Syntax Example Meaning
R/CCYYMMDDThhZ/PTnH R/20201231T00Z/PT12H Repeat every 12 hours starting at 2020-12-31T00Z
R/CCYY-Www-D/PnW R/2012-W02-1/P1W Repeat weekly starting at Monday in the second ISO week of 2012
R/CCYYDDDThhmm/PnD R/1996291T0630+0100/P2D Repeat every 2 days starting on the 291st day of 1996 at 06:30, UTC + 1
Rn/CCYY-MM-DDThh:mm/PTnH R2/19900201T06Z/PT12H Repeat every 12 hours, for a total of 2 repetitions, starting at 1990-02-01T06Z
Rn/CCYY-Www-D/PnW R5/2012-W02-1/P1W Repeat weekly, for a total of 5 repetitions, starting at Monday in the second ISO week of 2012
Rn/CCYYDDDThhmm/PnD R1/1996291T0630+0100/P2D Repeat once at the 291st day of 1996 at 06:30, UTC + 1

4 - Recur with a given duration counting back from a particular date-time

Example Syntax Example Meaning
R/PTnH/CCYY-MM-DDThhZ R/PT1H/2012-01-02T00Z Repeat hourly counting back from 2012-01-02T00Z
R/PnY/CCYY R/P3Y/2000 Repeat every 3 years counting back from 2000-01-01.
R/PTnS/+XCCYYDDDThhmm R/PT5s/-002500012T1800 Repeat every 5 seconds counting back from the 12th day in 2501 BC at 18:00 (using 2 expanded year digits).
Rn/PnYTnM/CCYY-MM-DDThhZ R5/P1YT5M/2012-01-02T00Z Repeat every year and 5 minut counting back from 2012-01-02T00Z
Rn/PnM/CCYY-MM R4/P1M/2000-05 Repeat monthly, four times, counting back from 2000-05-01.


📅 ⌚ Python ISO 8601 date time parser and data model/manipulation utilities



LGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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