There are lots of times when you need to demonstrate stuff to your friends or colleagues, try out something you've been assuming for sometime to see if it actually works or test some code with data to see how it holds up. A full-fledged framework is good but overkill for this kind of stuff; plus you're faced with the hassle of a lot of configuration and a large project structure. But you also don't want to engage in the boring process of writing things from scratch. Tessy helps you out by providing the most basic tools you likely need without compelling you to follow a particular coding style, architectural pattern or project structure. In a couple of minutes, you can learn the ropes and take advantage of Tessy in your next project, so lets jump right in!
Tessy offers the following features out of the box, but you can ofcourse add yours as your project demands:
- Database connection
- Database query methods
- Data sanitization and validation
- HTML helpers
- Routing
- File uploading
- AJAX request handling
The core of the framework is contained in one file, tessy.php, which has a class called Tessy.
Setting things up is easy and straightforward. First, clone Tessy/unzip it to the root your project directory.
Then, open the index.php file in a text editor. There you'd find: require "tessy.php"
To start, instanciate the Tessy class like so: $t = new Tessy();
Read the Documentation to find out in detail how to use all the functionality Tessy offers.
Found any bugs, got more elegant ways a piece of code could be written or any ideas that can make Tessy better? Add an issue, PM me or fork the project (the tests branch) and send a pull request. A rule though is that Tessy must be contained in one file, one class and have brief and straight-to-the-point methods. Peace!
MIT License