I'm a Lead Software Engineer at Target and graduate of the University of British Columbia
- ๐ ย Resume
- ๐ ย Pronouns: He/Him/His
- ๐ฑ ย Currently learning all about Software Design and Analysis
- ๐ฅฝ ย I love to Ski, Paddle, Bike, and Climb
- ๐ซ ย Reach me: [email protected]
- ๐พ ย Contributing to Target and The Center for Global Environmental Education
ย Githubhx: Quickly browse the commit history of any file in github by replacing "github.com" with "githubhx.com"
- ๐ ย Mapbox Static Tiles: A webapp for downloading static tiles in bulk from Mapbox. Made for The Center for Global Environmental Education at Hamline University