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This solution provides a template "Hello World" web application with Spring MVC and friends.
The "Hello World"-iness goes well beyond what the web application does, rather the template prescribes a way of working and includes matters such as exposing basic production-ready monitoring features.
The cited friends include:
Thymeleaf as HTML5 templating engine
Key template aspects include:
An over-arching aspiration to adhere to Resource-Oriented Architecture (ROCA) recommendations.
A progressive enhancement validation strategy realized by server-side first validation using JSR 303 annotations on form-backing objects - this means if we are constrained for time we will have no client-side validation which is treated as a convenience.
Asynchronous client-side validation is enabled by optionally exposing, for each form, a JSON based validation end-point.
Bootstrap’s responsive, mobile first fluid grid system respected to make sure all devices are supported (i.e. extra small, small, medium and large devices).
Intentional avoidance of JSP, JSTL and the Spring tag libraries as per Spring MVC View Layer: Thymeleaf vs JSP.
Internationalization: support for English (for which ASCII would suffice) and at least one language that uses a character set with "funny" characters. This is a character encoding lesson reminder.
Getting up and running:
mvn spring-boot:run or run the Application class
to log in use the credentials: user and password