A class project to develop a role-playing game based on the University of Rochester
- Jacob Niebloom
- Aaron McClure
- Graeme McGuire
- Naropa Perez
- Alex Hankin
- Bradley Beyers
- Santiago Loane
- Hayden Schiff
To start a test server, just double-click "run_win.bat" and leave the terminal window that pops up open. You should be able to access the site now at localhost:3333.
Before you can use the test server on OS X the first time, you need to fix a permissions problem. Open Terminal (or your favorite alternative bash terminal) and cd to the directory where you have the UofRPG repository cloned. Then run this command: chmod u+x run_mac.command
After you have done that once, you will thenceforth be able to start the test server just by double-clicking "run_mac.command" (leave the terminal window that pops up open). You should be able to access the site now at localhost:3333.
Execute "run_nix.sh" in bash and leave the terminal window open. You should be able to access the site now at localhost:3333.