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PowerShellFar features

Roman Kuzmin edited this page Sep 8, 2016 · 2 revisions

Module menu

The main tools are in the module menu. It is opened in almost any UI context in Far Manager by [F11] \ PowerShellFar. Some of the menu commands are briefly described below with pictures.

Invoke commands

This command input box can be opened from almost any UI context. Use [Tab] for code completion.

Ability to invoke commands from any context is useful for exploring the current UI objects, e.g. $Far.Editor invoked from the editor shows the editor object properties. Note that output is shown in the viewer, not written to the console.

Editor console

There are three types of editor consoles for main, local, and remote sessions. The editor console emulates the console window. The last line is the command line. Output is appended to the same editor.

Points of interest:

  • PowerShell syntax highlighting.
  • Editor console can be opened from any UI context.
  • Local and remote console commands do not block the UI.

Power panel

The Power panel menu prompts to choose and open a panel for a PowerShell provider drive in order to explore items and perform standard operations like copy ([F5]), move ([F6]), rename ([ShiftF6]), remove ([F8], [Del]). Copy and move require two panels opened. View ([F3]) and edit ([F4]) also work if a provider supports item content.


PowerShell breakpoints are set interactively by [F11] \ PowerShellFar \ Debugger. Note that line breakpoints are highlighted in the script editor.

When a breakpoint is hit the debugger dialog is opened. It shows the source code and provides options for stepping through the code and other commands including opening a command or editor console.


This is the list of PowerShell errors, the content of $Error. If an error has the source information (there is a tick on the left) then [F4] opens the source at the error line. [Del] removes all errors.