Second place solution for LUN track of CSC Hackathon 2023.
The task for the hackathon was near duplicate image comparison. The model should take two same slightly changed images (different gamma, watermark, etc.) and output 1 if the images are the same, and 0 - if different.
Our team's solution solved this task and placed second on the private leaderboard of the competition. Our solution is based on different image hashing and keypoint detection algorithms and combining results into gradient boosting model.
Presentation for the solution can be found here.
data folder contains all data splits and other .csv files used in development e.g. test submission format.
code folder contains all the code produced during the hackathon. All code files split into 5 groups based on the part of the solution they are connected to. Each group has its name prefix:
- 0 - data analysis and preprocessing
- 1 - hash and key points experiments
- 2 - neural networks experiments
- 3 - boosting experience
- 4 - evaluation and MVP
Same folder also contains some util code for smoother workflow.
To reproduce the results of the projects, you can use virtual environment with requirements.txt file.
First start with cloning this GitHub repository
To create virtual environment:
python -m venv <venv_name>
To install all the necessary dependencies, first, activate the environment:
source <venv_name>/bin/activate
After that, to install the dependencies run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
All the described steps are described for Linux operating system.