This example shows how to copy and paste elements programatically using bpmn-js.
- copy and paste between different BPMN modeler instances
- works across browser windows (synchronized via local storage)
- fully scriptable
- may be operated by humans, too 😉
You need the BPMN Modeler to use copy and paste.
To copy an element, specify it via its elementId
. From that point on,
we'll use only APIs the BPMN modeler provides:
// element to be copied
var elementId = ...;
var clipboard = modeler.get('clipboard'),
copyPaste = modeler.get('copyPaste'),
elementRegistry = modeler.get('elementRegistry');
// get element to be copied
var element = elementRegistry.get(elementId);
// copy!
// retrieve clipboard contents
var copied = clipboard.get();
// persist in local storage, encoded as json
localStorage.setItem('bpmnClipboard', JSON.stringify(copied));
To paste an element we need to specify the target, as well as the location where the element needs to be pasted:
// to be pasted onto...
var targetId = ...;
var position = ...;
var clipboard = modeler.get('clipboard'),
copyPaste = modeler.get('copyPaste'),
elementRegistry = modeler.get('elementRegistry'),
moddle = modeler.get('moddle');
// retrieve from local storage
var serializedCopy = localStorage.getItem('bpmnClipboard');
// parse tree, reinstantiating contained objects
var parsedCopy = JSON.parse(serializedCopy, createReviver(moddle));
// put into clipboard
// paste tree directly
element: elementRegistry.get(targetId),
point: position
// alternatively paste using two-step pasting
During JSON parsing of the serialized copy tree, we use a reviver
to re-construct model types:
function createReviver(moddle) {
var elCache = {};
* The actual reviewer that creates model instances
* for elements with a $type attribute.
* Elements with ids will be re-used, if already
* created.
* @param {String} key
* @param {Object} object
* @return {Object} actual element
return function(key, object) {
if (typeof object === 'object' && typeof object.$type === 'string') {
var objectId =;
if (objectId && elCache[objectId]) {
return elCache[objectId];
var type = object.$type;
var attrs = Object.assign({}, object);
delete attrs.$type;
var newEl = moddle.create(type, attrs);
if (objectId) {
elCache[objectId] = newEl;
return newEl;
return object;
Checkout the full example here.
# install dependencies
npm install
# run in browser
npm run dev
Open multiple instances of the test site and copy/paste across.