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A lottery mocking project which is all built by AWS Serverless ecosystem including API Gateway, Step Functions, Lambda, SNS, Dynamodb

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在本次实验中,我们将会通过AWS Serverless应用构建一个无服务器化的抽奖程序。本次的实验涉及到的服务有:


  • 本文实验基于AWS中国区宁夏区(cn-northwest-1)作示例。所有控制台链接均直接连接到北京区console。如使用海外区账号,请不要点击此直达连接,在global控制台选择相应产品即可。
  • 如果您使用的是AWS中国区账号,账号默认屏蔽了80,8080,443三个端口,需要先申请打开443端口才可以正常使用API Gateway的服务。如果是海外账号,没有此限制。
  • 如何判断自己的账号是中国区账号还是海外区账号?请查看自己的控制台链接,console.amazonaws.cn为中国区,为海外区账号。
  • Identiy Access Management服务中创建一个本次实验需要用到的AWS Lambda服务角色,包含本次实验需要使用到的服务权限。角色包含如下四个托管的策略
    • AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess
    • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole
    • AmazonSNSFullAccess
    • AWSStepFunctionsFullAccess

具体的角色创建流程,可以参考如下连接 AWS Lambda Execution Role Creating a Role to Delegate Permissions to an AWS Service



Workflow Overview



创建AWS Step Functions 状态机

  1. 进入AWS控制台,在服务中搜索Step Functions
  2. 进入Step Functions服务后,点击左侧的活动栏,并点击状态机
  3. 进入状态机主页面后,选择创建状态机
  4. 定义状态机栏目下,选择默认使用代码段创作。同时在详细信息栏目输入状态机名称Lottery
  5. 状态机定义栏目下,复制如下状态机定义文件,通过Amazon States Language来定义状态机的状态流转
  "Comment": "A simple AWS Step Functions state machine that simulates the lottery session",
  "StartAt": "Input Lottery Winners",
  "States": {
    "Input Lottery Winners": {
        "Type": "Task",
        "Resource": "<InputWinners:ARN>",
        "ResultPath": "$",
        "Catch": [ 
              "ErrorEquals": [ "CustomError" ],
              "Next": "Failed"      
              "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ],
              "Next": "Failed"      
        "Next": "Random Select Winners"
    "Random Select Winners": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "InputPath": "$.body",
      "Resource": "<RandomSelectWinners:ARN>",
      "Catch": [ 
          "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ],
          "Next": "Failed"      
     "Retry": [ 
          "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL"],          
          "IntervalSeconds": 1, 
          "MaxAttempts": 2
      "Next": "Validate Winners"
    "Validate Winners": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "InputPath": "$.body",
      "Resource": "<ValidateWinners:ARN>",
      "Catch": [ 
          "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ],
          "Next": "Failed"      
     "Retry": [ 
          "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL"],          
          "IntervalSeconds": 1, 
          "MaxAttempts": 2
      "Next": "Is Winner In Past Draw"
    "Is Winner In Past Draw": {
      "Type" : "Choice",
        "Choices": [
            "Variable": "$.status",
            "NumericEquals": 0,
            "Next": "Send SNS and Record In Dynamodb"
            "Variable": "$.status",
            "NumericEquals": 1,
            "Next": "Random Select Winners"
    "Send SNS and Record In Dynamodb": {
      "Type": "Parallel",
      "End": true,
      "Catch": [ 
          "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL" ],
          "Next": "Failed"      
     "Retry": [ 
          "ErrorEquals": [ "States.ALL"],          
          "IntervalSeconds": 1, 
          "MaxAttempts": 2
      "Branches": [
         "StartAt": "Notify Winners",
         "States": {
           "Notify Winners": {
             "Type": "Task",
             "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:states:::sns:publish",
             "Parameters": {
               "TopicArn": "<Notification:ARN>",
               "Message.$": "$.sns"
             "End": true
         "StartAt": "Record Winner Queue",
         "States": {
           "Record Winner Queue": {
             "Type": "Task",
             "InputPath": "$.body",
             "TimeoutSeconds": 300,
             "End": true
    "Failed": {
        "Type": "Fail"
  1. 状态机定义栏目的右侧,点击刷新按钮,可以看到状态机流转的流程图。点击下一步
  2. 配置设置下,选择为我创建IAM角色, 输入自定义的IAM角色名称MyStepFunctionsExecutionRole
  3. 点击创建状态机完成创建过程

创建AWS Lambda任务

为了实现Step Functions状态机流转下的任务,我们这次实现会用到AWS Lambda作为我们业务的实现环境

  1. 进入AWS控制台,选择服务然后输入Lambda进入AWS Lambda控制台
  2. 选择创建函数,然后选择从头开始创作来自定义我们的实验程序
  3. 首先我们需要创建状态机中的第一个状态任务Input Lottery Winners,输入函数名称Lottery-InputWinners来定义幸运儿的数量。运行语言选择Python 3.7。同时需要选择函数执行的权限, 这里我们选择使用现用角色,选择我们在前提条件下创建的IAM角色
  4. 点击创建函数
  5. 函数代码栏目下输入如下代码块
import json

class CustomError(Exception):

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    num_of_winners = event['input']
    # Trigger the Failed process
    if 'exception' in event:
        raise CustomError("An error occurred!!")
    return {
        "body": {
            "num_of_winners": num_of_winners
  1. 点击右上角的保存
  2. 保存成功后复制页面右上角的ARN,替换原Step Functions状态机定义下的<InputWinners:ARN>

接下来我们还需要创建另外三个需要定义的状态机业务逻辑,创建过程和上面的Lottery-InputWinners一致,下面是具体的状态机AWS Lambda代码块

Lottery-RandomSelectWinners 代码块

import json
import boto3
from random import randint
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr


def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # variables
    num_of_winners = event['num_of_winners']
    # query in dynamodb
    dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='cn-northwest-1')
    table = dynamodb.Table('Lottery-Employee')

    # random select the winners, if has duplicate value, re-run the process
    while True:
        lottery_serials = [randint(1,TOTAL_NUM) for i in range(num_of_winners)]
        if len(lottery_serials) == len(set(lottery_serials)):
    # retrieve the employee details from dynamodb
    results = [table.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key('lottery_serial').eq(serial), IndexName='lottery_serial-index') for serial in lottery_serials]
    # format results
    winner_details = [result['Items'][0] for result in results]
    return {
        "body": {
            "num_of_winners": num_of_winners,
            "winner_details": winner_details

保存成功后复制页面右上角的ARN,替换原Step Functions状态机定义下的<RandomSelectWinners:ARN>


import json
import boto3
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # variables
    num_of_winners = event['num_of_winners']
    winner_details = event['winner_details']
    # query in dynamodb
    dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='cn-northwest-1')
    table = dynamodb.Table('Lottery-Winners')

    # valiate whether the winner has already been selected in the past draw
    winners_employee_id = [winner['employee_id'] for winner in winner_details]
    results = [table.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key('employee_id').eq(employee_id)) for employee_id in winners_employee_id]
    output = [result['Items'] for result in results if result['Count'] > 0]
    # if winner is in the past draw, return 0 else return 1
    has_winner_in_queue = 1 if len(output) > 0 else 0
    # format the winner details in sns
    winner_names = [winner['employee_name'] for winner in winner_details]
    name_s = ""
    for name in winner_names:
        name_s += name
        name_s += " "
    return {
        "body": {
            "num_of_winners": num_of_winners,
            "winner_details": winner_details
        "status": has_winner_in_queue,
        "sns": "Congrats! [{}] You have selected as the Lucky Champ!".format(name_s.strip())

保存成功后复制页面右上角的ARN,替换原Step Functions状态机定义下的<ValidateWinners:ARN>

Lottery-RecordWinners 代码块

import json
import boto3
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # variables
    winner_details = event['winner_details']
    # retrieve the winners' employee id
    employee_ids = [winner['employee_id'] for winner in winner_details]
    # save the records in dynamodb
    dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name='cn-northwest-1')
    table = dynamodb.Table('Lottery-Winners')
    for employee_id in employee_ids:
            'employee_id': employee_id
    return {
        "body": {
            "winners": winner_details
        "status_code": "SUCCESS" 

保存成功后复制页面右上角的ARN,替换原Step Functions状态机定义下的<RecordWinners:ARN>

创建AWS SNS 通知服务

  1. 进入AWS控制台,在服务中搜索SNS
  2. SNS控制面板中,选择主题, 然后选择创建主题
  3. 创建新主题弹框中,输入
  • 主题名称: Lottery-Notification
  • 显示名称: Lottery
  1. 创建主题后,会进入主题详细信息页面,这时候我们需要创建订阅来对接我们的消息服务,例如邮件服务(本次实验使用邮件服务来作为消息服务)
  2. 点击创建订阅, 在弹框中选择
  • 协议: Email
  • 终端节点: <填入自己的邮箱地址>
  1. 点击请求确认, 然后到上面填写的邮箱地址中确认收到信息,表示确认该邮箱可以接收来自AWS SNS该主题的通知消息
  2. 复制主题详细页面的主题ARN,替换Step Functions状态机下的<Notification:ARN>

创建Amazon Dynamodb 服务


  1. 进入AWS控制台,在服务中搜索Dynamodb
  2. 在左侧控制栏中选在, 然后在主页面中选择创建表
  3. 创建Dynamodb表中,填入如下信息
    • 表名称:Lottery-Winners
    • 主键:employee_id
  4. 表设置中确认勾选使用默认设置,点击创建
  5. 同样的设置步骤,点击创建表,在创建Dynamodb表中,填入如下信息
    • 表名称:Lottery-Employee
    • 主键:employee_id
  6. 表设置中确认勾选使用默认设置,点击创建
  7. 等待表创建完成后, 通过本repo中的request-items.json文件导入数据到Lottery-Employee
$ aws dynamodb batch-write-item --request-items file://request-items.json
  1. 选择表Lottery-Employee Tab页面中的索引, 点击创建索引
    • 主键:lottery_serial, 字段类型选择数字
    • 索引名称:lottery_serial-index

执行 Step Functions 状态机

  1. 进入AWS控制台,在服务中搜索Step Functions
  2. 进入之前创建的状态机Lottery
  3. 点击启动执行
  4. 在弹框中填入输入的json 文本,这里的input代表在本次实验中需要抽取的获奖人数
    "input": 2
  1. 点击启动执行


  1. Dynamodb表中Lottery-Winners记录幸运儿
  2. 邮件会收取到辛运儿的信息


  1. 删除Dynamodb 创建的表 Lottery-EmployeeLottery-Winners
  2. 删除状态机 Lottery
  3. 删除Lambda函数
  4. 删除SNS主题Lottery-Notification


A lottery mocking project which is all built by AWS Serverless ecosystem including API Gateway, Step Functions, Lambda, SNS, Dynamodb






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