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What is this?

This is a set of functions and macros for Google Sheets to allow easier creation of burn-up charts. You can use a commercial tool such as Jira and TFS, but sometimes you may want the flexibility and lightness of a spreadsheet.


Simply go to the original spreadsheet, make your own copy using File > Make a copy, and name it as you like. Then close the original and play around with your new burn-up spreadsheet.


Basic use

This section looks at creating and maintaining a burn-up chart. Later we will look at additional functions which may be useful for deeper analysis.

Create the spreadsheet

The first thing we need is the basic spreadsheet.

  1. Open the original spreadsheet.
  2. Make our own copy with File > Make a copy
  3. Rename the copy of our spreadsheet.
  4. Close the original.

We now have a spreadsheet with some sample data and charts, and (most importantly) all the specialised functions. We can fill this in with our own project data as we wish.

Basic principles

The core of process is two tables.

The first is our historical data, which is a list, or table, of all the user stories we’re tracking. A critical feature of this table is that every time a user story changes there is a new row for that change. This is why we call it "historical" data.

The second table summarises the data. It has a list of dates, and for each date it shows the total done and total scope. From this data it's easy to generate a line chart that is our burn-up chart.

The historical data

In the original spreadsheet the historical data is in the tab called User stories. Here is a snippet:

The first most important thing to notice is the header row. The header row is needed because it will tell our functions which columns are which.

The next most important thing to notice is that some stories appear repeated. For example, there are three instances of story 4, "Integrate with Muppex". This is essential to track changes: it shows the story was created, and then changed twice. Every time a story changes it must appear on its own line.

We are mostly free to add whichever columns we like (whatever makes sense to us and our project) but there are two columns which are essential to tracking historical changes:

  • A unique ID for each story
  • A “valid from” date that says when the data in this row came into effect---i.e. when the data changed.

The unique ID ensures we can track the same story through several changes. The "valid from" column ensures we know when any particular change took place (i.e. when the data in that row was valid from).

Of course, because we're tracking user stories progressing through a project there are some other columns, too:

  • The story’s title
  • Its size estimate
  • A Done flag (0 or blank is not done, 1 is done)
  • Its “done size” (which is the estimate multiplied by the Done flag—a very simple spreadsheet formula).

With all of this we have some freedom:

  • We can name the columns whatever we like, even the "unique ID" and "valid from" columns.
  • The ID doesn't need to be an integer---it can be any string we like. We might use something like PBI-4635 or 2.13.8 or whatever.
  • When we add a new row to represent a change in a user story we can add it wherever we like. It doesn't need to be under the previous version (although that probably makes most sense).
  • We can re-order, sort and filter the data however we like, as long as the header row stays at the top.

Using the shortcut key

Because copying and tweaking a line is such a common action there's a keyboard shortcut for it: Shift + Ctrl + Alt + 1 on PCs, or Shift + Option + Cmd + 1 on Macs. This will insert a copy of the current row just below it, and it will remove all the dates to make sure we put the right ones in.

We can also find this function in the menus: Tools > Macros > Duplicate row without dates.

Tips for working with historical data

  • The historical data can include blank lines. But the first row must be the header row.
  • If we drop a user story from our project then we need to keep the historical data and record this change. The simplest way to do this is probably to just set the estimate of effort to zero.
  • We might want to record an epic then later break it down into smaller user stories. The simplest way to do this is first record the epic as, say, 100 points of effort, then later record a change to it becoming zero effort while also adding new user stories. We can also exploit the fact that unique IDs can be any string we like, so an epic with ID 23 might decompose into user stories 23.1, 23.2, etc.

Creating the burn-up data

Data for the burn-up chart is created from this historical data. In the original spreadsheet this appears in its own sheet, Burn-up, to keep things tidy.

The burn-up data is a table with two or more columns, depending on what we want to chart.

The first column represents the x-axis, and is a series of dates. We enter these dates ourselves. The dates don't have to be consecutive days. We can increment the dates by week or fortnight or anything else.

The remaining columns are for each line we want to plot on the burn-up chart. They are all calculations.

So let’s say we want to show "scope" in the second column. We need a function that sums all the "size estimate" cells in the historical data, but only as the data stood on each given date.

This is a new function, sumValid. It takes the following parameters:

  • the dates we’re currently interested in;
  • the entire historical data table, including the header row;
  • the names in the header row for
    • the ID,
    • the “valid from” date and
    • the “size estimate”.

With this formula we’re saying: sum all the data that’s valid at the specified dates, where this is the historical data and we can pick out each story, when it changed, and where this is the data to add up. In the original spreadsheet it looks like this:

=sumValid($A11:$A24, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Estimate")

We enter this formula into just the first cell at the top of the column. sumValid will go down and fill in the values for all the dates. We must make sure those cells are blank though---only then can it fill them in; if not it will give a #REF! error.

We can track the work done in the third column. For this our formula is almost identical, but now we want to sum the "Work done" data, instead. So it looks like this. Just the last parameter has changed:

=sumValid($A11:$A24, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Total work done")

Notice the use of $ signs in the formulas to allow us to copy the formula easily.

The burn-up chart

Now the burn-up chart is easy. We simply create a line chart from the burn-up data we’ve just created.

More tips and tricks

Here are some other details that might be of interest...

  • The more data we have the slower the sumValid function gets. But for a project lasting a few weeks it should be fine.
  • If sumValid gives us an error then read the error message carefully---it should give us a bit of help. Things which cause errors include:
    • Referencing a column in the historical data which doesn’t exist (e.g. we say “ID” but the header says “Story ID”);
    • a line in the historical data has a missing ID or a missing “valid from” date.
  • As our project develops our historical data will grow. So make sure the sumValid formulas encompass the latest historical data.

Further functions

As well as sumValid there are some other functions to help us get a better view of the work in progress at any moment in time.

getValid: Get data for a given date

This function gets us a view of our work as it was on any particular date.

The function getValid effectively says "For a given date get all the values of a given field". The parameters are:

  • The date in question;
  • Three parameters specifying the historial data:
    • the range of the data (including the header row),
    • the column name of the story ID,
    • the column name of the date from which this row’s data is valid;
  • The column name of the field we want to show.

Let’s suppose we want to see the stories that were known on 21 June 2016. In particular we decide we want to list three fields: the story id, its name, and its estimate.

The resulting table will look like this, found in the Listing example tab in the original spreadsheet:

Notice that story id 15 is missing, and if we look at the original spreadsheet we’ll see that’s because that story was introduced only at a later date.

To generate this table we use a getValid forumula three times: once for the id, once for the name, and once for the estimate.

Here is the first formula:

=getValid($B6, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Story ID")

We only need to enter this on the first row of the first column; the the rest of the column will auto-fill with the results.

The next two columns contain formulas that are identical except for the last parameter:

=getValid($B6, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Description")


=getValid($B6, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Estimate")

When creating this table we need to be sure that all three formulas use the same date and the same data. Otherwise the data in the rows will not line up.

filterValid: Filter data for a given date

While we can put a spreadsheet filter on the getValid results above, we can also use a dedicated formula: filterValid. This effectively says "For a given date get all the values of a given field where a certain condition is met".

The parameters for filterValid are just the same as for getValid, but there are two extra ones at the end:

  • The date in question;
  • Three parameters specifying the historial data:
    • the range of the data (including the header row),
    • the column name of the story ID,
    • the column name of the "valid from" field;
  • The column name of the field we want to show;
  • The column name of the field we want to test;
  • The value that this field must be in order to pass the test.

For example, if we want to show only those stories that weren’t done on a given date then we might test the Is done? field for value 0. We can see the results in the original spreadsheet in the tab named Filtering example:

Once again there is one formula at the top of each column; the function will fill in all the results below. The formula for the first column, showing the ID, is this:

=filterValid($B7, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Story ID", "Is done?", 0)

For the second column, showing the description of the story, it's the same except for one field:

=filterValid($B7, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Description", "Is done?", 0)

and to show the size estimate it's this at the top of the last column:

=filterValid($B7, 'User stories'!$A9:$G32, "Story ID", "Valid from", "Estimate", "Is done?", 0)

Once again, when creating this table we need to be sure that all three formulas use the same date and the same data to make sure the data in the rows all line up.

Tip: Extra fields for better filtering

Suppose we want to find “all stories that are in milestone 2 and not yet done”. If we’ve got a Milestone column and (of course) a Done? column then we can achieve this by adding a new column in our raw data with a calculation that simply says "milestone = 2 and done = true". Then we can use filterValid to test the condition that this new column has the value True.


In case you fancy developing this further yourself...


To set yourself up install clasp, the Google Apps Script commandline tool. Then log in:

clasp login

Edit .clasp.json in for this codebase to make sure it's pointing to the right Google Apps Script script (i.e. yours, not mine). Get the correct script ID by going to the script editor, select the right script, then choose Project Settings.

Working with the code

Pull the code down from Google if you think you're out of sync:

clasp pull

When you want to update Google, push your code:

clasp push

Running the tests

Before running the tests, first make sure you're in the script editor: from the spreadsheet go to Tools > Script editor or at the command line type clasp open.

Then make sure you've got Tests 0 - open and click the Play icon (a triangle). This will run the tests. To view the results click View > Logs.



Burn-up charts with Google Sheets






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