Working Website Link:
This Project is made during Reimagine Waste5 hackathon hosted by IEEE RIT
- Improve Plastic Waste Management
○How might we better understand where plastic waste comes from and where does it go?
○How might we incentivize responsible plastic waste management?
○How might we leverage technology and behavioural changes to recover more flex plastics off the street?
- Optimisation of Plastic Recycling Supply Chain
○How might we enhance the visibility, connectivity and efficiency of informal sector waste collectors and aggregators?
○How might we improve visibility of pricing?
○How might we better track value generation across the supply chain?
- Increase Compliance of Waste Value Chain
○How might we create a transparent flow of materials between various actors in the supply chain?
○ How might we increase the traceability and efficiency of waste transporters?
We have made a website divided into 4 parts:
Dashboard- Here, data analysis of daily municipality waste pickup record would be done and visualized and displayed. It will help put psychological effect on people by showing them their wards performance, government can know where to focus more and industry people can know where to go for waste pickup for recycling.
Reward- Here, people especially waste pickers can put about their collection of waste of particular company and in turn they get rewards after collection of waste from them. This is good for transparency and EPR(Extended producer's responsibility).
Industrial analytics- Here, industry people would put information about their recycling plants capacity and amount of waste they get so that proper distribution of waste could be done by government and much more
Locate- Here, vehicles can be tracked which pick and drop waste for transparency and to stop corruption. It needs gps information from iot devices and this feature has not been implemented yet
➢Government - There is an exchange of data between government and WasteSANK which helps the officials to monitor the continuous and proper mobility of waste which would check on the fuel expenditure and save them some time and effort.
➢Industrial purpose -We let the customers to input the data about the amount of waste collected by each. Thus the industries can directly interact with them recycle the waste without having to pay the mediators involved
➢Consumers of plastic waste - It will ensure that consumers are continuously motivated through the reward point they will be getting, to collect plastic waste and handle it back to producers thereby completing the loop of waste life span.
- Initially we don’t have any cost associated with our solution.
- If we use iot devices further then there would be cost associated with each iot device upto ₹ 1000 for esp32 with gps tracker and ultrasonic sensor
- Large scale website hosting will require around ₹ 2000-5000 per year
Potential roadblocks
Data is limited as of now
Data validation might we a issue but we have tried to reduce it by using user authentication.
We don’t have gps information of vehicles to implement one of our solutions as of now.