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This is a Trino connector to access RESTful APIs. Please keep in mind that this is not production ready and it was created for tests.

Quick Start

To run a Docker container with one of the connectors, set the appropriate environmental variables, and run the following:

docker run \
  -d \
  --name trino-rest-github \
  -p 8080:8080 \

Supported connectors and their required environmental variables:

  • Github: GITHUB_TOKEN
  • Slack: SLACK_TOKEN

Then use your favourite SQL client to connect to Trino running at http://localhost:8080


Download one of the ZIP packages, unzip it and copy the trino-rest-github-0.157 directory to the plugin directory on every node in your Trino cluster. Create a file in your Trino catalog directory and point to a remote repo. You can also use a path to a local repo if it's available on every worker node.

After reloading Trino, you should be able to connect to the github catalog and see the following tables in the default schema:

  • orgs
  • users
  • repos
  • issues
  • issue_comments
  • pulls
  • pull_commits
  • reviews
  • review_comments
  • workflows
  • runs
  • jobs
  • steps
  • artifacts
  • runners

Most tables always require conditions on specific columns, like 'owner' and 'repo'.

Join conditions can be used for that in some situations. For example:

  FROM runs r
  JOIN jobs j ON j.run_id =
 WHERE r.owner = 'nineinchnick' AND r.repo= 'trino-rest'
   AND j.owner = 'nineinchnick' AND j.repo = 'trino-rest'

Note that such query would perform:

  • one HTTP request to count all runs,
  • one HTTP request to get the runs
  • one HTTP request for each run to get its jobs

If you'll get an error message like Missing required condition on run_id, it means there might be too many runs (over 20). Try to enable the enable-large-dynamic-filters config option, or enable it in the current session by executing SET SESSION enable_large_dynamic_filters = true. See the dynamic filtering for more configuration options.


For more information, see the README files in connector directories: