Compredux is a web content proxy that acts as a passthrough client to http sites on the web. The client can be routed to serve content on an web server that meets its requirements.
To use Compredux your hosting server must meet the following conditions:
- Must have PHP 5.3 or higher
- Must have mod rewrite capable host and the ability to use .htaccess files
- The web server must have write access to the folder where the content will be hosted
unzip / extract the archive into your web root directory or subfolder
Rename index.example.php to index.php
Thats it You should be able to visit your website with the sub path of /subdir like this:[subdir]
Example 1. instantiate client and echo content:
$client = new Compredux\Client();
if (!$Compredux\Client->isType('html')) {
echo $client->getContent();
echo $client->getContent();
Only use selection handles when the content type is html to allow other types to use pure passthrough, use a condition like this:
if (!$Compredux\Client->isType('html')) {
echo $client->getContent();
To select elements by CSS class preface with a . like '.analytics' To select elements by element ID use the hash mark like '#content' To select elements by tag simply use the element name like 'body' Example 2. select the body exclude all analytics:
$client = new Compredux\Client();
if (!$Compredux\Client->isType('html')) {
echo $client->getContent();
echo $client->getContent('body', '.analytics');
Array notation can be used to select multiple things Example 3. select everything exclude google analytics and getClicky:
$client = new Compredux\Client();
if (!$Compredux\Client->isType('html')) {
echo $client->getContent();
echo $client->getContent(null, array(
Example 4. select multiple elements and arrange them with your custom templates:
$client = new Compredux\Client();
if (!$Compredux\Client->isType('html')) {
echo $client->getContent();
$title = $client->getContent('title');
$headMeta = $client->getContent('meta');
$headLink = $client->getContent('head link');
$headScript = $client->getContent('head script');
$bodyScript = $client->getContent('body script');
$bodyContent = $client->getContent('#content');
<title> | $title </title>
echo $headMeta;
echo $headLink;
echo $headScript;
echo $bodyContent;
echo $bodyScript;
1.1 4/12/2011
added robots.txt
added second parameter to the getContent method. getContent now accepts a second parameter of string, array or null as a list of content to exclude from the selection.